5 Reasons Cloud-Based Services Will Make Your Business More Efficient

5 Reasons Cloud-Based Services Will Make Your Business More Efficient
Adam Torkildson

Every business has a goal of increasing efficiency in its processes and its employees. Efficiency isn’t just producing more work in less time, but producing better work with less effort. Many factors can influence efficiency, from workplace environment to job satisfaction, and the tools given to employees to perform their jobs.

One of the tools your business can use to improve efficiency is the cloud. Cloud-based technology can improve the efficiency of your business by allowing for increased mobility, IT efficiency, simplicity, collaboration, and reduced costs, among other things. 

1. Allows Employees to Be Productive

Working with cloud-based applications makes it easier for employees to have easier access to the tools and resources they need to do their job — anytime, anywhere. Because of increased mobility, business employees can get work done while traveling for work, at home, in the office, at a remote office, and even on vacation.

The ability to access applications from any device through the cloud saves time by allowing businesses the freedom of accessing information immediately. When you give your employees the right tools, like cloud-based technology, they have the freedom to perform their tasks more efficiently.

2. Allows for IT efficiency

Migrating to the cloud can improve efficiency in your IT department by improving reliability and uptime. Your IT team can now spend more time supporting users and less time managing systems. The cloud eliminates a lot of user frustrations by making things easier for them.

For instance, accessing cloud-based applications often requires only one password for users. This helps create IT efficiency because your helpdesk is spending less time resetting user passwords, and more time being productive. Another way that the cloud improves IT efficiency is that it hosts many applications that are created to fill specific needs.

3. Collaboration

The cloud makes it easier for users to collaborate on projects, and for multiple users to access their information at the same time on the same application without losing their data or mixing it up. Applications on the cloud allow for more efficiency by eliminating the confusion of “too many hands in the jar.”

In the olden days, businesses would have to send spreadsheets back and forth between employees, causing a time lag that led to outdated information. Using a cloud-based application can show updates immediately, so everyone is working with the same data.

4. Simplicity

Many cloud-computing developers target underserved niche areas by selling simplicity. Traditional desktop programs were made with all users in mind, but the cloud can focus on specific tasks or needs that benefit businesses, and develop products for those needs.

With a focus on a particular niche, developers can use open developer tools to integrate the functions of other software, creating innovations that weren’t possible with software from a box. The cloud offers applications for conference calling, billing, faxing, and pretty much any task your business needs to be successful. The simplicity of these cloud-based applications will increase efficiency for your business.

5. Reduced Costs

For many businesses, using cloud-based applications reduces costs associated with running the business. Cloud-based technology bills on an incremental scale, which means you only pay for the technology that you use. This can bring big savings to your business — savings you can use elsewhere, for purchasing better equipment, hiring more employees, and investing in growing your business. All of these things will increase your businesses efficiency, and the cloud makes that possible.

What sets me apart is that I understand and can write code, have built and run a number of my own media properties, and have taken investments and been in partnerships (some that failed, some that are still running today) that have given me a nearly 360 degree view of running a business from product sourcing to customer relationships.
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