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The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times

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The Epoch Times

Senate GOP Blocks Right to Contraception Bill

The bill aimed to guarantee access to contraception nationwide as Democrats seek to spotlight the issue ahead of the November elections.

Court Overturns SEC’s Enhanced Regulations for Private Equity and Hedge Funds

Because the court found that the SEC exceeded its authority in setting the rule, the judges did not evaluate the remaining issues, according to the ruling.
Top Judge Blocks Complaints Against Trump Judge Aileen Cannon

Top Judge Blocks Complaints Against Trump Judge Aileen Cannon

Trump Says Conviction Has Been ‘Very Hard’ for Melania Trump

Trump Says Conviction Has Been ‘Very Hard’ for Melania Trump

Aspirin Use Helps Immune System Fight Colorectal Cancer: Study

A new study adds to the evidence linking daily aspirin use to reduced cancer risk, however, other research suggests it has the opposite effect in older people.
Don’t Like Grits? You Just Haven’t Tried Greg Johnsman’s

Don’t Like Grits? You Just Haven’t Tried Greg Johnsman’s

The South Carolina miller makes a case for milling heirloom corn the old-fashioned way, for hearty, flavorful grits in all their intended glory.

Don’t Like Grits? You Just Haven’t Tried Greg Johnsman’s

The South Carolina miller makes a case for milling heirloom corn the old-fashioned way, for hearty, flavorful grits in all their intended glory.
Health - The Epoch Times
Bright - The Epoch Times
‘Good Kill’: Planes, Drones, and Automation

‘Good Kill’: Planes, Drones, and Automation

Is it morally preferable to launch bombs from a distance rather than up close?
The Vandalism of Rome: The Empire is Dead, Long Live the Empire

The Vandalism of Rome: The Empire is Dead, Long Live the Empire

Rome’s sacking spelled the end for the long-lasting empire. But its language, culture, and values live on, in some fashion, 2,000 years later.
‘Ezra’: An Excellent Mini-‘Rain Man’ Father-Son Road Trip

‘Ezra’: An Excellent Mini-‘Rain Man’ Father-Son Road Trip

Autism has proliferated since the 1990s. The very fine “Ezra” puts a human face on the situation and sets up the coming Big Pharma exposé doc “Protocol 7.”
24 Hours in Budapest 

24 Hours in Budapest 

Start with the fairy tale-like Fisherman’s Bastion for grand views of the city, delve into its history and food—and don’t forget to visit its epic baths.
24 Hours in Barcelona

24 Hours in Barcelona

If you have just one day to spend in Catalonia’s capital, here’s how to experience its delicious cuisine, architectural icons, and exuberant street life.
5 Tips for Dealing With a Missed Flight Connection

5 Tips for Dealing With a Missed Flight Connection

You can work around a missed connection—and may even benefit.

24 Hours in Budapest 

Start with the fairy tale-like Fisherman’s Bastion for grand views of the city, delve into its history and food—and don’t forget to visit its epic baths.
24 Hours in Budapest 
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