Zadroga Bill Set to be Reintroduced in House

The bill will provide $7.4 billion in health care and compensation to people who did recovery work around ground zero.
Zadroga Bill Set to be Reintroduced in House
NEW YORK—The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act is coming back to the U.S. House of Representatives later this month.

U.S. representatives Carolyn Maloney and Jerrold Nadler, the cosponsors of the bill, released a joint statement on Wednesday, which said that the bill will be reintroduced on the House floor in the third week of September.

Congress has been in recess and will return next week.

“We anticipate that the bill will be taken up the second week we are back in session and will be considered under regular order, with the expectation and belief that neither side will play politics with this vitally important legislation,” the joint statement read.