YouTube Brings 360-Degree Videos and It’s This Awesome

When watching through an Android YouTube app you can change viewpoint in the video simply by moving your phone.
Petr Svab

From now on you can upload your 360-degree videos straight to YouTube and play them in Android apps or the Chrome browser, YouTube announced Friday in a blog post.

In the Chrome browser you can drag the viewpoint around, much like with Google Street View, during the video’s playback.

When watching through an Android YouTube app you can change viewpoint in the video simply by moving your phone.

“[W]e’re working to bring this to iPhone, iPad and other devices soon,” the blog post states.

To create such videos, you'd need to get a 360-degree camera, like the one from Kodak, Bulb Technology, or Giroptic.

Then you'd need to run a script on the video provided by Google to add certain data YouTube needs to recognize the video as 360-degree. “We’re working to make this automatic,” YouTube promises.

Then you upload, and voila!

Petr Svab
Petr Svab
Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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