You Guys Truly Are the Future

You Guys Truly Are the Future
The Epoch Times newspaper. Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

As I turn 40 this year I look back on what seems to be another life, waking up to coffee and a newspaper. Journalism used to be one of the great American professions, and it’s product essential to a free people. Something horrible has happened, and I’m afraid too few can see it. Today journalism and propaganda are almost interchangeable...

I never thought I would ever again subscribe to a news source that wasn’t an “alternative” or “citizen” media YouTube channel. You guys bridge that Gap. Your reporting is top-notch, researched, and factual! How about that? You guys truly are the future. I can’t wait until you’ve grown enough to send a 7-day print newspaper. I'll be one of the first to start receiving it!

Please keep up the good work!

Julian Colchester, Conn.

The Reader's Turn
The Reader's Turn
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