Xbox Games With Gold List: The First September Predictions Include Battlefield 4, LocoCycle

Xbox Games With Gold List: The First September Predictions Include Battlefield 4, LocoCycle
Zachary Stieber

September is less than two weeks away and gamers are starting to make predictions as to which games will be on the list for Games With Gold.

Several predictions made by many users ahead of the July list being officially unveiled were correct--Crimson Dragon for Xbox One and Dishonored for Xbox 360.

LocoCycle was another game predicted by many gamers, and now early predictions for the September list indicate that people believe that game will now hit Games With Gold next month.

SNAKE0062 over on GameFaqs said that he predicts Battlefield 4 and Peggle 2 for the list, “hopefully, if Microsoft isn’t cheap.”

If the company is cheap, he believes that the games will be LocoCycle and Contrast.

“But I’m hoping Battlefield 4 and Peggle 2. Cause i wouldn’t want a repeat of August Strike Suit Zero seriously sucked and Crimson Dragon was ok,” he added.

Other users noted that since EA is offering EA Access for Battlefield 4 and Peggle 2, it’s unlikely those two games will make it on the list.

Users also predicted Outlast may make it on, as well as Sixty Second Shooter.

“I hope no Sixty Second Shooter as i bought it for 5 but oh well if its only 5 bucks and i got 1000G but Lococycle is crap from what i heard,” added another user.

“I really hope they give away all indie games soon so that we can possibly get a decent retail game like Dead Rising 3 or Assassins Creed IV.”

Leave your predictions below in the comments.

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]