WWE Payback - Daniel Bryan vs Kane Inferno Match?

WWE Payback - Daniel Bryan vs Kane Inferno Match?
Daniel Bryan throwing Kane through a table at WWE Pay-Per-View Extreme Rules 2014 (bing.com)
Zachary Stallings

Two weeks ago Daniel Bryan and Kane had, not the best match, but one of the best matches at WWE’s Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View. Daniel Bryan put Kane on a forklift, jumped off the forklift onto Kane, and even put Kane through a table on fire in order to pick up a victory over Kane. After all that was done to Kane, the look on Kane’s face after the match showed he was far from done with Bryan. With the rivalry between Kane and Daniel Bryan heating up (no pun intended) there has been some speculation on what type of match they will have at WWE’s next Pay-Per-View, Payback. On May 6th The Inquisitr reported that WWE may have Daniel Bryan vs Kane be a Buried Alive Match at Payback. That may be a good idea, but Daniel Bryan vs Kane in an Inferno Match might be a better one.

The reason why an Inferno Match is a good idea is because Daniel Bryan set Kane on fire at Extreme Rules. The next Pay-Per-View is called Payback, and with Daniel Bryan putting Kane threw a table on fire, why not have Kane try to return the favor. If you’re familiar with Kane you know how much he likes to play with fire, so this match should make perfect sense to you.

Kane is one of the most monstrous, sick, and twisted wrestlers that the WWE has ever had. The list of dastardly acts that Kane has committed is very long. Kane has Tombstoned a priest, he’s Tombstoned Vince McMahon’s wife Linda on the stage, and he even set WWE Hall of Famer JR (Jim Ross) on fire. With the direction this rivalry is going, it would make perfect sense to put Kane in a match where he can do more than just beat Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan vs Kane in an Inferno Match would be a good way to end the rivalry between Kane and Bryan. A good transition into this match would be to have Stephanie McMahon allow Kane to choose the stipulation for the match at Payback. In the weeks leading up to this match Daniel Bryan and Kane could take turns trying to set each other on fire, and probably even have Kane light an innocent bystander on fire. A Inferno Match is most certainly a fit for Kane, and in my opinion a good match for this rivalry. If WWE were to make Daniel Bryan vs Kane an Inferno Match, I for one don’t think WWE fans will disagree.  

I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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