Wuhan after Lockdown: Bleak Shopping Mall and Crowded Hospital

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Chinese people have a 5-day public holiday from May 1 to 5 in 2020 to observe the country’s Labor Day. In the past years, tourist sites and shopping malls were always packed with crowds during this holiday. But a video shows a once-bustling shopping mall in Wuhan with only a few customers on Labor Day.

Man in the background:

This shopping mall used to be flooded with people. Look how empty it is today. - Around the same time, there was a long line outside Union Hospital, a top hospital in Wuhan. These were patients waiting to take nucleic acid tests to find out if they have contracted the CCP virus.

The videographer at the entrance of the hospital could not see where the end of the line was. He learned from a couple of patients who had completed the diagnosis that the cost for a nucleic acid test is 260 yuan ($36 USD). As they also have to do a CT scan and blood test, with a total cost of more than 500 yuan ($70 USD). A migrant worker said that for low-income patients like him, it is a lot of money.