Tories Ask Ottawa to Protect Canadians After Hamas Threat of Global Terrorism on Oct. 13

Tories Ask Ottawa to Protect Canadians After Hamas Threat of Global Terrorism on Oct. 13
Israeli rescue workers work to remove dead bodies from near a destroyed police station that was the site of a battle following a mass-infiltration by Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip, in Sderot, southern Israel, on Oct. 11, 2023. (Violeta Santos Moura/Reuters)
Marnie Cathcart

Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman is calling for increased security measures to be put in place for Jewish communities across Canada after Hamas put out a global call for Muslims to mobilize in support of the terrorists on Oct. 13.

“The dangerous and hateful rhetoric from Hamas terrorists inciting violence this Friday around the world must be taken seriously. They have already inspired large protests in support of their evil acts,” said Ms. Lantsman in a statement on Oct. 11.

“All levels of government MUST ensure adequate security and protective measures are in place for Jewish schools, synagogues, and community centres across the country,” she added.

Former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has called for a “Day of Jihad” on Oct. 13, asking Muslims across the world to “take to the streets” in protest against Israel, as well as for Muslims of neighbouring countries to join the fight in support of Hamas.
“Deliver a message through the squares and the streets, a message of anger, that we are with Palestine, that we are with Gaza... and that we are a part of this battle,” said Mr. Meshaal, from his home in Qatar. He said Muslims in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt have a duty to support Palestinians.

“Tribes of Jordan, sons of Jordan, brothers and sisters of Jordan... This is a moment of truth and the borders are close to you, you all know your responsibility,” Meshaal said. “To all scholars who teach jihad for the sake of God and who preach the fighters and martyrs, to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application.”

“This is the moment for the [Arab] nation to join in the fight, to fight with them,” he said. “Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls.”

Pro-Palestine protesters were seen holding large banners, including one that reads "Smash Israeli Apartheid, Free Palestine," and another that reads "Resistance is Justified When People Are Occupied." Protesters marched along Bay Street in downtown Toronto on Oct. 9, 2023. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times)
Pro-Palestine protesters were seen holding large banners, including one that reads "Smash Israeli Apartheid, Free Palestine," and another that reads "Resistance is Justified When People Are Occupied." Protesters marched along Bay Street in downtown Toronto on Oct. 9, 2023. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times)

Following the threats, Ms. Lantsman and Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre called on Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc to “ensure the safety of Jewish Canadians.”

“On October 10th, in the wake of the horrific invasion and terrorist attacks committed by Hamas in Israel, a high-ranking Hamas leader issued a televised statement making an explicit call for action across the world calling for mobilization in support of these vicious attacks of terrorism,” said an Oct. 11 letter to Mr. LeBlanc, from Ms. Lantsman and Mr. Poilievre.

They said that the overwhelming majority of Canadians are “disgusted by Hamas’ barbaric attacks and want no part in their vile ideology,” but that Jewish communities have a “heightened level of anxiety about the potential of threats and violence.”

The Tories have called on Mr. LeBlanc to take various measures to protect Jewish institutions across the country. These include convening a call between Ottawa and various provincial and municipal law enforcement agencies for coordination, and ensuring the RCMP and various police forces are working to share intelligence and protect the Jewish community.

They have also called on Ottawa to involve the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to implement “threat deduction measures” and communicate with the Jewish community about any threats, among other measures.

Calling it a “volatile and traumatic time for Jewish Canadians,” Mr. Poilievre and Ms. Lantsman said the safety of all Canadians must be Ottawa’s “first priority.”