Smith Disavows Candidate for Remarks on Transgender Youth

Smith Disavows Candidate for Remarks on Transgender Youth
The Alberta legislature in Edmonton. (Courtesy of Assembly of Alberta)
Marnie Cathcart

Jennifer Johnson, a United Conservative Party (UCP) candidate who used a feces analogy when talking about transgender children in schools, will not be welcome in the party’s caucus if elected on May 29.

UCP Leader Danielle Smith said in a May 18 statement that she had already spoken to Jennifer Johnson, following details of an audio recording from a speaking appearance the candidate participated in last fall.

Smith said that while Johnson had since apologized, the language used by Johnson “regarding children identifying as transgender is simply unacceptable.”

“I have informed Ms. Johnson that should she win a seat ... she will not sit as a member of the United Conservative caucus in the Legislature,” said Smith.

“I encourage all candidates from all parties not to use this or any other election to provoke distrust, anxiety and hate between people for political purposes. It is time to move forward,” said Smith.

The issue arose this week after audio surfaced of a speech Johnson gave in September, in which she criticized gender transition procedures involving children. In one part of her speech, she said, “When they’re 7 years old and transitioning at 14 years old and getting mastectomies, double mastectomies and getting chemically sterilized when they can’t even go to a liquor store and buy a beer.”

“It does not matter that we’re in the top 3 percent of the world. Who cares if they got 89 percent in Chemistry 30? Who cares that they’re entering post-secondary—if they’re chemically castrated?”

At another point she discusses baking and, according to Global News, said, “Enjoy ... I only put a teaspoon of poop in them, but it doesn’t matter because it’s only a teaspoon in the whole batch.”

“Same idea—we can be top 3 percent, but that little bit of poop is what wrecks it,” she is quoted as saying.

The Epoch Times contacted Johnson for comment but didn’t immediately hear back.

The Canadian Press contributed to this report.