Police Commended for Rescue of Drowning Woman From Nottingham Canal

Police Commended for Rescue of Drowning Woman From Nottingham Canal
Nottingham Canal is seen near London Road in Nottingham, England, in this file photo. (© John Sutton (cc-by-sa/2.0) geograph.org.uk/p/1407521)

Bodycam footage has been released of a heroic police officer and paramedic pulling a drowning woman from a canal in Nottingham, England.

The incident, which happened at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21, near London Road in the city centre, saw Police Constable Lee Lane answer a call to help a woman in difficulty in one of the city’s canals.

Arriving at the scene with a paramedic, Lane said he removed his safety vests before diving into the cold water as the woman began to lose consciousness.

“I was just thinking we had to get to her before she died. The water was freezing cold and I didn’t realise how deep it was, with the water coming up to my shoulder,” he said in a statement.

“The paramedic grabbed hold of her first but was struggling to pull her. I managed to put her on my shoulders and we were then able to drag her out of the water to safety.”

The East Midlands Ambulance Service paramedic, who had been flagged down by a motorist, added, “When I arrived I could see that the woman was already in the water and I could see that she was starting to go under.

“Myself and the police officer realised that she would not resurface and both of us knew then that we had to jump in to rescue her.”

Lane and the paramedic were joined at the scene by four other officers who revived the woman and cleared her airways. The officers were then able to keep the woman conscious until an ambulance arrived and took her to Queens Medical Centre, where she was later discharged.

The footage released by Nottinghamshire Police shows the moment when the assisting officers arrive at the scene, helping Lane and the paramedic pull the woman to safety. It then goes on to show them revive the woman and wrap her in a thermal foil blanket.

Lane, who has served with the Nottinghamshire force for 3 years, and the paramedic have since been put forward for the Nottinghamshire Police Award in recognition of their bravery.

Inspector John Lees of Nottinghamshire Police said, “This was an exemplary piece of work by all of the officers involved, working together to save this woman in very challenging circumstances.

“PC Lane’s and his paramedic colleague’s quick-thinking actions undoubtedly saved her life.”

Lees added that all the officers involved “deserve recognition for what they did.”