Officials in Quebec Investigate After Two People Die in Montreal-Area Hospital ER

Officials in Quebec Investigate After Two People Die in Montreal-Area Hospital ER
Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé delivers remarks during a news conference in Montreal on March 29, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Paul Chiasson)
The Canadian Press

Quebec’s health minister on Dec. 5 defended his government’s efforts to reduce wait times in hospitals, yet admitted it was “completely unacceptable” two people died in a Montreal-area emergency room last week.

The deaths at Anna-Laberge hospital, in Chateauguay, Que., south of Montreal, are now the subject of investigations by the Quebec coroner’s office and the local health authority, Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest.

Health officials have refused to provide details, including the dates the deaths occurred.

The two patients died during what the authority described in an email on Dec. 5 as a period of high traffic and “very high” wait times in its facilities.

On Dec. 5, a government website listed an average waiting room stay of nine hours and 44 minutes at Anna-Laberge hospital, where stretcher occupancy was at 206 percent capacity.

“Every effort is being made to reduce the pressure on emergency departments, for the well-being of both teams and patients,” the authority that oversees the hospital said in the statement, adding that meetings were underway with the provincial Department of Health and other regional officials to address the situation. “We will never compromise on patient safety.”

The two deaths prompted Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé to pay a “surprise visit” to Anna-Laberge on Dec. 3 to “take the pulse of what’s happening on the ground,” his office confirmed by email on Dec. 5.

“One thing is certain: we need to improve the situation not only in our emergency departments, but throughout the entire patient journey, from pre-hospital to post-hospital,” the statement said.

In response to overloaded hospitals and long wait times, Mr. Dubé in October appointed a coordinator to, among other things, find ways emergency rooms can process patients more quickly.

Mr. Dubé told reporters in Quebec City on Dec. 5 that he asked the coordinator to meet with doctors at Anna-Laberge to discuss the situation at the hospital.

“We’re going to follow this very, very closely,” the minister said.

The deaths in Chateauguay came more than a year after Quebec began implementing recommendations from a government “crisis unit” dedicated to reducing stress on emergency rooms.

Mr. Dubé on Dec. 5 praised the unit’s work, but said some hospitals, partly because of management roadblocks, have yet to apply its recommendations. The minister pointed to his pending health reform legislation, known as Bill 15, as a solution.

Meanwhile, the next few weeks could further exacerbate crowding in Quebec emergency rooms. In a separate news release on Dec. 5, the Health Department warned of possible “higher-than-normal” wait times in the month ahead for some front-line services amid public-sector strikes, and a propagation of respiratory viruses.

The province’s 811 health-care hotline, for example, maintains only 60 percent of its nursing staff on strike days, according to the department. It assured that it would continue to offer essential services at all times, but encouraged Quebecers to seek care outside of emergency rooms for non-urgent situations.

“I’m being very transparent: it’s going to be tough,” Mr. Dubé said, describing the anticipated additional pressure on the health network in the coming weeks.

He asked Quebecers who contract viruses to call their pharmacists, family doctors, and the 811 line before visiting an emergency room.

“Maybe two hours on the phone is better than being at the emergency (room), where it’s very long.”