Nova Scotia Man Charged With Igniting Massive Barrington Lake Wildfire

Nova Scotia Man Charged With Igniting Massive Barrington Lake Wildfire
An aircraft (C) flies near a wildfire burning near Barrington Lake in Shelburne County, N.S., on May 31, 2023. (The Canadian Press/HO-Communications Nova Scotia)
The Canadian Press

Charges have been laid against a 22-year-old Nova Scotia man for allegedly lighting a fire last May that grew to become the largest wildfire in the province’s recorded history.

The Barrington Lake fire southwest of Shelburne, N.S., was ignited on May 26, 2023, and burned 23,000 hectares before it was brought under control on June 13 and extinguished more than a month later.

The province’s Natural Resources Department issued a statement today saying Dalton Clark Stewart of Villagedale, N.S., was charged on Jan. 17 with three offences under the Forests Act.

Mr. Stewart is accused of: lighting a fire on privately owned land without permission of the owner; failing to take reasonable efforts to prevent the spread of a fire; and leaving a fire unattended.

Violations under the act can result in a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to six months in jail.

Mr. Stewart is scheduled to appear in Shelburne provincial court on March 7.