Muslim Convert Jailed for Life for Plotting to Kill Christian Preacher at Speakers’ Corner

A Muslim convert who arranged to buy a gun to kill Hatun Tash, a Christian preacher who he despised because she converted from Islam, has been jailed.
Muslim Convert Jailed for Life for Plotting to Kill Christian Preacher at Speakers’ Corner
An undated custody image of Edward Little, who plotted to kill a Christian preacher at Speakers' Corner in London on Sept. 23, 2022. (Metropolitan Police)
Chris Summers

LONDON—A Muslim convert who arranged to buy a gun from three gangsters in London and plotted to mount an attack on controversial and well-known Christian preacher Hatun Tash at Speakers’ Corner has been jailed for life.

Edward Little, 22, had also mulled over launching a gun attack on the Queen’s funeral on Sept. 19, 2022, after converting to Islam while in prison.

Little decided he was “too late” and instead targeted Ms. Tash, a former Muslim, who regularly debates Islam and the Quran at Speakers’ Corner.

Little was due to appear at Friday’s sentencing hearing by videolink from Full Sutton prison in North Yorkshire but the court was informed he had chosen not to attend.

He pleaded guilty to preparing terrorist acts and also admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm on another inmate who “disrespected” Islam.

Sentencing him to a minimum of 16 years behind bars, Judge Maura McGowan said, “Speakers’ Corner is a popular destination and a tourist attraction and any attack there would risk the lives of many people of all faiths from around the world and would strike terror.”

She said Little was clearly intent on violence and had said he “wanted to emulate” the attackers who murdered soldier Lee Rigby in a street near Woolwich Barracks in 2013.

On Sept. 23, he was arrested en route from his home in Brighton to London where he was planning to pick up a gun for £5,000 and then use it on Ms. Tash, who often wears a Charlie Hebdo Prophet Muhammad T-shirt, which has enraged Islamists like Little.

Ironically in October 2022 Ms. Tash, the director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam, won £10,000 in damages from the Metropolitan Police after they wrongfully arrested her after she was abused by Islamists.
On Friday, prosecutor Duncan Penny, KC read excerpts from the Threema encrypted messaging platform in which Little told other Islamic extremists he wanted to shoot Ms. Tash “point blank” in order to “take her and everyone with her out.”

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Little, whose previous convictions include one for supplying heroin, also described her as an “evil witch” and discussed the possibility of live-streaming the attack.

He also discussed purchasing a Mac-10 submachine gun or an AK47 and said, “I don’t think there has been an attack in the UK with guns so a semi-automatic rifle would send a even stronger message.”

But he decided against buying such weapons, saying the “problem with the macs is that they are too quick and it runs out very quik [sic].”

Mr. Penny said Little had also talked about targeting shops in London selling the books of Salman Rushdie, who had been stabbed in New York the previous month. Mr. Rushdie has been threatened with death since 1988 when his novel “The Satanic Verses” led to a fatwa from Iran’s then-leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
Hatun Tash in an undated file photo. (Courtesy of Hatun Tash/Christian Concern)
Hatun Tash in an undated file photo. (Courtesy of Hatun Tash/Christian Concern)

Previous court hearings have been told that on Sept. 18, 2022 other Threema users identified the Queen’s funeral, which was taking place at Westminster Abbey the following day, as a possible target because the “tyrants of the earth” would be present.

But Little replied, “I was just thinking that but unfortunately it’s too late.”

Little, who was born in England and converted to Islam at Cookham Wood young offender institution in Kent, downloaded extremist propaganda including copies of the al-Qaida publication Inspire.

When he was arrested in a taxi on his way to London he was carrying a rucksack with £5,000 in cash, a passport, and two mobile phones.

A gun (L) and bullets (R) which Edward Little was negotiating to buy for £5,000 from gangsters in London on Sept. 23, 2022. (Counter Terrorism Policing South East)
A gun (L) and bullets (R) which Edward Little was negotiating to buy for £5,000 from gangsters in London on Sept. 23, 2022. (Counter Terrorism Policing South East)

He was detained by officers from Counter Terrorism Policing South East, who have released footage of an interview at Newbury police station in which Little suddenly flew into a rage after being shown a YouTube clip of Ms. Tash.

He jumped up, launched himself across the table and began punching the detective before being restrained by, among others, his solicitor.

Little later admitted assaulting the officer and was sentenced to eight months in prison.

He attacked a fellow prisoner at Belmarsh prison on April 3 with boiling water mixed with sugar and two razor blades for “disrespecting” his religion.

Two screengrabs from a police interview show Edward Little (L) suddenly leaping up, jumping over a table, and attacking a detective (R) in a London police station. (Counter Terrorism Policing South East)
Two screengrabs from a police interview show Edward Little (L) suddenly leaping up, jumping over a table, and attacking a detective (R) in a London police station. (Counter Terrorism Policing South East)

Last month the three men who agreed to supply the gun to Little were sentenced to lengthy terms in prison, although a jury decided they had not been aware what he planned to do with it and therefore acquitted them of conspiring to supply a firearm with intent to endanger life.

Reis Forde, 27, was jailed for 17 years, Tyler King, 21, for 10 years, and Caleb Wenyeve, 21, for 12 years for conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm, possession of a prohibited firearm, and three counts of possession of ammunition without lawful authority.

Following their sentencing, Detective Chief Superintendent Olly Wright, head of Counter Terrorism Policing South East, said: “King, Wenyeve, and Forde were working together to supply a viable firearm along with ammunition. Although they didn’t know Edward Little’s plan to commit a terrorist attack with the firearm, they entered into an agreement with Little to sell him a fully functioning gun and live ammunition.”

PA Media contributed to this report.
Chris Summers is a UK-based journalist covering a wide range of national stories, with a particular interest in crime, policing and the law.
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