Israel Calls for ‘All Possible Sanctions’ Against Iran at UN After Missile, Drone Attack

Israel’s U.N. envoy Gilad Erdan said Iran’s attack ‘crossed every red line’ and that ‘Israel reserves the legal right to retaliate.’
Israel Calls for ‘All Possible Sanctions’ Against Iran at UN After Missile, Drone Attack
The U.N. Security Council holds a meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including Iran's recent attack against Israel, at U.N. headquarters, in New York City, on April 14, 2024. (Charly Triballeau/AFP via Getty Images)
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Israel has urged the U.N. Security Council to impose “all possible sanctions” on Iran after the Islamic republic launched an unprecedented large-scale drone and missile attack on Israeli territory.

Israel requested an emergency Security Council meeting on April 14 after Iran fired more than 300 projectiles at its territory on April 13. Israel said that 99 percent of them were intercepted by its air defenses and its allies.

During the April 14 meeting, Israel’s U.N. envoy, Gilad Erdan, said Iran’s attack had “crossed every red line” and that “Israel reserves the legal right to retaliate.”

“Today, the Council must take action: condemn Iran for their terror. Trigger the snapback mechanism and reimpose crippling sanctions,” Mr. Erdan told the council.

“Designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terror organization. Action must be taken now. Not for Israel’s sake. Not for the region’s sake. But for the world’s sake.”

Israel has tried to warn the international community over the years about Iran but to no avail, despite Iran’s repeated violations of the Security Council resolutions, according to Mr. Erdan.

He emphasized that it is time for the council to stop ignoring Iran’s crimes and start to take action, as Iran’s recent direct attack on Israeli land has shown the regime’s “true face.”

“As Iran’s mask has fallen, the world’s complacency must also fall,” Mr. Erdan said. “The snooze button is no longer an option. The only option is to condemn Iran and utilize every means necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their horrible crimes.”

Iran Vows ‘Resolute’ Response If Israel Initiates Attack

Iranian envoy Amir Saeid Iravani said that the attack was a response to an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, on April 1. Israel never claimed responsibility for the airstrike.

He said Iran does not seek conflict in the region but that the country will not hesitate to exercise its “inherent right of self-defense when required.”

“Should the Israeli regime commit any military aggression again, Iran’s response will assuredly and decisively be stronger, and more resolute,” Mr. Iravani said.

Robert Wood, U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations, said the United States supports Israel’s exercise of its “inherent right to defend itself” and urged council members to unequivocally condemn Iran’s attack.

“And let me be clear, if Iran or its proxies take actions against the United States or further action against Israel, Iran will be held responsible,” he said.

Mr. Wood added that any actions taken by the United States were “purely defensive in nature” and were not intended to escalate the situation.

“In the coming days, and in consultation with other Member States, the United States will explore additional measures to hold Iran accountable here at the United Nations,” he said.

The White House also has made it clear that the United States would not participate in any offensive action against Iran should Israel choose to retaliate.

“We don’t seek a war with Iran. We’re not looking for escalation here,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby told NBC on April 14.

An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles toward Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel, on April 14, 2024. (Amir Cohen/Reuters)
An anti-missile system operates after Iran launched drones and missiles toward Israel, as seen from Ashkelon, Israel, on April 14, 2024. (Amir Cohen/Reuters)

According to the Pentagon, Iran launched more than 300 munitions, including more than 100 medium-range ballistic missiles, about 30 land attack cruise missiles, and more than 150 one-way attack drones toward Israel.

The attacks were launched from locations in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, according to a senior U.S. defense official.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has said that Iran’s strikes against Israel were tantamount to “a declaration of war” but insisted that Israel is still “seeking peace.”

“We were attacked last night from four corners of the Middle East with proxies shooting at us, firing ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles,” Mr. Herzog said during an interview with Sky News. “This is like a real war. I mean, this is a declaration of war.”

Emel Akan contributed to this report.