Greens Leader’s $1 Million Expense Bill Causes Debate

Adam Bandt’s claim included $23,000 on two private jet flights, but he’s been defended by former Labor senator Stephen Conroy.
Greens Leader’s $1 Million Expense Bill Causes Debate
Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt (C) claps during the Greens national campaign launch at Black Hops Brewery in Brisbane, Australia, on May 16, 2022. (Dan Peled/Getty Images)

Greens leader Adam Bandt claimed $963,166 (US$637,000) in expenses in a single year, including $23,000 for two private jet flights during the 2022 election campaign. He also spent $204,000 on printing costs and $12,000 on a government-provided vehicle and petrol allowance.

That’s in addition to his $314,000 salary and the wages of his personal staff, according to the Department of Finance.

Mr. Bandt booked a chartered flight from Townsville to Rockhampton, costing $8,300, to announce details of his party’s plan for the country to rapidly transition from coal to renewables. The second charter between Canberra and Brisbane, at a cost of $15,000, was to attend the Greens’ election campaign launch.

A private jet emits as much carbon dioxide in one hour (two tonnes) as the average person emits in an entire year.

Staff Travel Adds Another $372,000

His other travel costs included almost $29,000 on government COMCAR trips and taxis, and $57,000 for domestic flights. Another $372,000 was spent on staff travel expenses.

Mr. Bandt’s spending was criticised by independent MP Dai Le, who is among the most frugal MPs in claiming expenses.

“I’m shocked by the news of parliamentarians overspending and surprised by the Greens use of chartered flights when they are the party that opposed the use of fossil fuels,” she said.

“At the end of the day, how we spend and what we spend on, will be judged by the people when it’s time to cast their vote.”

The Greens spokesperson said: “As the leader of the third-largest political party in Australia you would expect Mr. Bandt would engage in extensive travel and—unlike the prime minister and many ministers—he doesn’t have access to government VIP flights. All Mr. Bandt’s expenditures are within entitlements.”

Despite the size of his claim, Mr. Bandt ranked below several Labor ministers, including Employment Minister Tony Burke, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for 2022 expenses.

‘Legitimate work expenses’: Stephen Conroy

Mr. Bandt also found a defender in former Labor senator Stephen Conroy.

“To my shock, I’ll actually defend Adam Bandt,” Mr. Conroy told Sky News Australia. “The amount of travel and the work expenses, providing they’re within [the guidelines]—and there’s no suggestion from any of these stories, not one single suggestion that anyone has gone outside the guidelines.

“These are legitimate work expenses. A politician’s job is to communicate with their constituents. Adam Bandt is the leader of a political party, so you’d expect him to be out there up front.”

Last year, it was revealed that Mr. Albanese spent almost $700,000 on domestic and international travel, and other expenses, in the first three months of his prime ministership.

In addition, Mr. Albanese and his deputy Richard Marles incurred more than $5 million in costs using defence jets to move around Australia and overseas.

Rex Widerstrom is a New Zealand-based reporter with over 40 years of experience in media, including radio and print. He is currently a presenter for Hutt Radio.
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