Doug Ford Addresses Black Community


Ontario’s Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford says he has “massive support” from the black community.

Ford says he won’t be attending the April 11 leaders’ debate organized by the black community because he will be busy campaigning.

“I think I was pretty clear when I talked to the organizers that I’m going to be north for four days, and I have massive support in the black community. I love them, they love me, and I’ll be sitting down with the organizers and chatting with them,” Ford said in response to a question from a reporter why he is not attending the debate.

“But let me go one step further with that, I’d like to see Kathleen Wynne’s record when it came to the black community. There’s no other political in this country, no other politician outside of Rob Ford, that has supported the black community more than I have. And I love them, I’m going to support them…they know that,” he said.

Ford added an example of his support, saying that for the past three years he has been bringing around 80 children from the black community to his cottage.

“We have a great time. These kids have never been to Muskoka in their lives. I take care of the bus, we have a mini Olympics. That’s the highlight of my summer, going out there and helping these kids,” he said.

“I have massive support, I love them, they love me.”

The next provincial elections in Ontario will be held on June 7.

With files from The Canadian Press
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