More than 2 million Australian students will fall behind in their studies due to obstacles to remote learning, according to a University of Tasmania (UTAS) study.
Study Classes Half of Australia’s Students as Vulnerable
All five studies released indicated that of Australia’s nearly 4.3 million students, roughly half should be classed as vulnerable, and would suffer from the switch to remote learning.Included among the vulnerable students were those who lived in poverty, those with a disability or additional learning needs, students in rural or remote parts of Australia, and those who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Each study also noted that students without internet access were the most vulnerable of these groups.
He said that the federal government wanted to get schools back to five days a week. “If we don’t get all our children back to school and get that face-to-face teaching happening” it would be the most disadvantaged in our community that suffers the most, he said.
“And, we’ll see the education divide grow if we’re not careful.” he continued.