Workers Who Didn’t Opt in to WTC Settlement Still Have Chance

Earlier last week, 95 percent of the approximately 10,000 workers injured or exposed to harmful elements involved in the first response following the 9/11 terrorist attack cleanup and recovery at the World Trade Center opted into the $625-$712.5 million settlement.
Workers Who Didn’t Opt in to WTC Settlement Still Have Chance

Earlier last week, 95 percent of the approximately 10,000 workers injured or exposed to harmful elements involved in the first response following the 9/11 terrorist attack cleanup and recovery at the World Trade Center opted into the $625-$712.5 million settlement.

The NY Daily reports that for the 520 of those who didn’t opt into the compensation deal, a special council was chosen by Manhattan federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein to give this group until Dec. 17 a chance to benefit from the settlement.

The money for the settlement comes from a World Trade Captive Insurance Company fund in addition to a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).