Woman Sentenced for Trying to Frame Ex-Boyfriend Through Facebook

Woman Sentenced for Trying to Frame Ex-Boyfriend Through Facebook
Orange County Sheriff's Department
The Associated Press

A woman who created a phony Facebook profile of her ex-boyfriend in order to frame the Southern California man for stalking has been sentenced to a year in jail.

Stephani Lawson of Las Vegas was sentenced Wednesday after pleading guilty to perjury and false imprisonment.

Prosecutors say Lawson waged a campaign to get Tyler Parkervest of Irvine, California, arrested last year after the couple broke up.

City News Service says Lawson filed eight police reports alleging Parkervest made Facebook threats to kill her and her daughter and at one point held her in his car at knifepoint.

But prosecutors say Lawson lied about the attack and sent the threats to herself.

Parkervest was arrested four times and charged with stalking, kidnapping, battery and making threats. The charges were dropped last month

The City News service reported that her ex-boyfriend was arrested four times in all.

Epoch Times contributed to this report.