Wisconsin Voter: ‘You Only Get to Vote for Socialism Once’ Because After That It’s a Sham

Wisconsin Voter: ‘You Only Get to Vote for Socialism Once’ Because After That It’s a Sham
Jaqueline Tajnai attended a Stop the Steal rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Nov. 7, 2020. (NTD Television)
NTD Television

MADISON— Jaqueline Tajnai said people on both sides of the political spectrum should be protesting election fraud, because there is no republic without free and fair elections.

“I’m here today because I’m worried about this republic,” she said at a Stop the Steal rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Nov. 7, 2020. “I’m worried that there were fraudulent votes that were put into the voting polls and when there are large dumps of ballots that dropped into the polls and they’re all for one candidate, and then on top of that there weren’t any down votes, meaning there weren’t any votes for the senators or the congressmen or the local legislators, that’s problematic and it’s very suspicious.”

Tajnai said she supports President Donald Trump, but her choice of candidates isn’t really the point.

“I really want to see free and fair elections. Honestly I love Trump but what I love more is this nation, and I just don’t know how a republic can stand without free and fair elections,” Tajnai said. “This is the place where you have to put your flag in the ground, and this is the place where, ’this far, no further.' There needs to be a realization among all Americans, I mean I wish Democrats were standing with us, it’s not going to feel legitimate for them either if it’s not an election that everyone can believe in. That’s very, very important to a republic, it’s foundational. It’s foundational, and I hope everyone understands that and sees that, the importance of that.”

“I’m here today for the republic. I want the American republic to live on. We are the example to the world and it’s a debacle that we have fallen, fallen in this way, the way communist nations fumble and fall, and the way all their nations become dictatorships after that,” Tajnai said.

“You only get to vote for socialism once, and after that you don’t get to vote, okay, after that it becomes a sham, after that,” Tajnai said.

“I love this country, I can’t sit home. There has to be resistance to this, and it should be everyone out here, it should be every person in America that’s incensed about this. Whether you like Trump or not, your goal should be free and fair elections, there should be transparency, we should be able to believe that everyone voted and it was fair,” she said.

“I can accept it, unlike the last four years of people who have fought against Trump from the beginning saying that Trump is not their president, I will believe in any president who has a free and fair election,” Tajnai said.

But the current results and process ring false to millions of Americans.

“I do not believe it, I cannot believe it, and it doesn’t ring true to all these people here. And not to all the people who are resisting, right now, at all 50 capitals of the United States. That should tell you something.”

“And it was organized very quickly, this is not a huge organized event, these are individual people, not part of huge organizations. I grabbed three people from my house, we just hopped in the car and came here, that’s it. This is a real groundswell of people, it’s the real thing,” Tajnai said.

“And I think people on the other side of the political persuasion need to realize that there has to be convincing, otherwise there will be unrest,” she said. “If you’re going to push things like this and somehow mysterious ballots are showing up, that is going to stir up more than people bargained for, and I hope the world realizes that.”

“I don’t want to see that in this country, I don’t want unrest in this country. So let’s ensure that this is fair. let’s show that this is fair. Prove it to all of us so there can be peace in this land, everybody wants peace in this land. Nobody wants to take up arms or to fight or to do anything like that, we don’t want that,” she said. “Americans are a free and independent people, we’re individual thinkers and it’s got to be that way.”