Wind Turbines Causing Defense Problems

The National Defense is opposing the Energy Department, which is acting out Obama’s plan for renewable energy.
Wind Turbines Causing Defense Problems
Wind turbines look like storms or planes on radar systems, and can cause a real plane to disappear from radar. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

<a><img src="" alt="Wind turbines look like storms or planes on radar systems, and can cause a real plane to disappear from radar. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)" title="Wind turbines look like storms or planes on radar systems, and can cause a real plane to disappear from radar. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1815461"/></a>
Wind turbines look like storms or planes on radar systems, and can cause a real plane to disappear from radar. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
The U.S. military has taken offense to wind turbines, according to the New York Times.

Wind turbines, up to 400 feet tall, “confuse air traffic controllers, as they resemble storms on weather radar systems” said

They also look like planes on radar systems, and can cause a real plane to disappear from radar.

Due to these problems, the National Defense is opposing the Energy Department, which is acting out President Obama’s plan for renewable energy.

The Defense Department is particularly concerned about the Mojave Desert in California, where it owns 20,000 square miles of land for bomb testing, pilot training, and radar tests.

The Department says the Mojave Desert wind turbines place restrictions when they attempt to test their radar systems.

Scott Debenham, a developer of turbines, said the military was exaggerating. A wind farm was created at a Marine base. “It’s standing proof that these single turbines are not an unmitigatable threat to national security,” he told the New York Times.

{etRelate 40432, 40721}A way to stop wind turbines from interfering with radar has not yet been developed.