Why Are Myocarditis Rates Surging in Europe?

Why Are Myocarditis Rates Surging in Europe?
German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, right, administers an injection with the Pfizer vaccine to man at a vaccination center in the Sports and Congress Hall in Schwerin, Germany, on Jan. 17, 2022. Jens Buettner/Pool via AP
Rav Arora
This is part 3 in a series on unreported Covid truths. Read part 1 and part 2.
As a truth-seeking journalist, I have been covering under-reported stories—whether its about rising minority success, the deadly consequences of under-resourced police departments, and revolutionary psychedelic therapies—since the start of my career in 2019.

Consciously or not, my mission has become to spotlight injustices, authoritarian government control, societal neglect, and institutional corruption where no one is looking.

Since the start of the pandemic I have taken almost no journalistic interest in the endless waves, policy changes, and governmental restrictions on Covid. Enough journalists on both sides seem to be covering this issue.

However, on the specific issue of vaccine-induced myocarditis, I see nothing but misinformation in the media. As a young male of 20 years, this issue personally affects me since the demographic that is overwhelmingly affected adverse vaccine effects is young men under 25.

For all the basics on this vaccine side effect (the frequency, severity, and biology), you can read my viral essay on “The Truth About Vaccine-induced Myocarditis.”

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I’ve been trying to find national rates of myocarditis in Canada or the United States for several weeks but haven’t been able to find a reliable dataset. However, I came across two countries that appear to be closely tracking this issue: Germany and France.
The results are damning.
First, take a look at Germany:

Since vaccines were widely distributed last year, myocarditis rates surged more than 75 percent.

One might say, “Covid causes myocarditis. That’s what could account for the rise.”

Except, myocarditis cases dropped at the start of the Covid pandemic (Jan 2020) and kept declining for a few months afterwards (May—Sept. 2020).

What happened in the middle of last year that could have resulted in a large increase in myocarditis cases?

Perhaps the widespread administration of a medical intervention that causes a significant number of myocarditis cases (in specific demographics)?

Maybe Germany is just an outlier and I’m senselessly speculating. Look at France:

In 2021, myocarditis cases rose 31 percent—the highest in several years.

The orange and red codes are both for myocarditis (the red is for myocarditis cases that are unspecified).

Again, anytime one brings up myocarditis from the vaccine, opponents reflexively counter with the fact that Covid also causes myocarditis.

But as this bar graph shows, myocarditis cases fell in the first year of the pandemic.

They only rose in 2021, the year vaccines were rolled out to the public.

It’s impossible to prove with 100 percent certainty, but this data strongly indicates that mass vaccination in these European nations has led to surging rates of myocarditis (cases are almost certainly concentrated in young men under the age of 40).

Just to be clear, this is not a case against vaccination. Vaccines continue to provide robust protection against severe disease and death. For those in their senior years and those who have underlying health conditions, vaccination is rightfully recommended.

There’s little debate there.

But among young men, the vaccine-induced myocarditis signal is incontrovertible. And by best available evidence, it occurs at a HIGHER frequency than infection-induced myocarditis in that age/gender demographic.

As a robust analysis by Oxford researchers found last month, Pfizer doses 2 & 3 and Moderna doses 1 & 2 are associated with post-vaccine myocarditis rates that exceed the rates of infection-induced myocarditis in men under 40.
As Dr. Vinay Prasad has stated, the myocarditis risk can be mitigated by only offering one vaccine dose to this demographic and limiting the use of Moderna as many countries have done. Some evidence also indicates that adequately spacing two vaccine doses can also reduce the myocarditis risk.
Not taking these measures and blindly promoting universal vaccination will lead to many more healthy young males suffering from an entirely avoidable heart condition.

Myocarditis Is a Non-Serious, Minor Condition?

For detractors who think myocarditis is no big deal and most cases are “mild,” consider a TYPICAL case of myocarditis (regardless of the cause):

1) 3-6 months of limited physical activity. No sports or athletic competition. Even carrying heavy textbooks and walking up stairs can be prohibited.

2) Being placed on medications such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors that can have negative side effects.

3) Scars in heart region visible on an MRI scan.

4) Life-long risk of cardiac complications.

So, yes most cases of myocarditis from the vaccine will be relatively “mild” compared to a “serious” case (heart failure or death)—just like chronic depression is relatively “mild” compared to schizophrenia.

That doesn’t mean the former is trivial or should be downplayed the way the public health authorities and the entire mainstream media is doing (in large part because Joe Rogan has been correctly sounding the alarm).

More Pro Soccer Players With Heart Conditions

One deeply alarming trend over the past several months is the rise in professional European soccer players being diagnosed with myocarditis and other heart conditions. Three recent examples from January ALONE:
1) 21-year-old Canadian soccer star (playing in Germany) Alphonso Davies (fun fact: I went to school with his girlfriend Jordyn Huitema, also a professional footballer playing in Paris).

Davies has been ruled out “for some time” by Bayern Munich coach Julian Nagelsmann after myocarditis was detected in medical tests he underwent after his recent Covid infection.

Two weeks ago, Aubameyang was bizarrely diagnosed with ”cardiac lesions” after recovering from Covid-19.

Burge is out of action for at least four-five weeks after being diagnosed with myocarditis following a Covid infection.

“It seems to happen a lot after these injections or potentially Covid, I’m not sure exactly what it is [that causes the condition],” Sunderland manager Lee Johnson told BBC.

These players add to the list of elite, world-renowned soccer players—Sergio Agüero (Barcelona), Victor Lindelöf, Kingsley Coman (Bayern Munich) among others—who are suffering from heart conditions.

I spoke to a top cardiologist based in the Bay area (who would like to remain anonymous for the safety of his career) about these cases and he thinks they’re likely caused from the vaccine given the clear signal in the data.

Yes, these cases were identified following Covid infections, but that doesn’t mean the infection caused it.

It’s highly unlikely that Covid infection is the root cause because vaccination effectively curbs against more severe Covid outcomes (such as myocarditis) and each of these players is vaccinated. Moreover, these are incredibly healthy and fit athletes of young age who are naturally well-protected from severe Covid disease and its associated symptoms such as myocarditis.

Myocarditis from Covid is already rare—and extremely rare in young, healthy, double-vaccinated people. Not to mention in professional athletes whose diet, exercise, and recovery is closely monitored.

As this cardiologist speculated, these athletes likely had some heart inflammation following vaccination that went undetected because symptoms weren’t salient enough (these are all mildest of the mildest cases). And when they recovered from Covid, they underwent rigorous medical examination and myocarditis was identified.

Now, this is just a hypothesis and there is no definitive proof but it is compelling, and I’m inclined to agree with this expert cardiologist’s analysis.

Covid just doesn’t cause heart inflammation in healthy young people (notwithstanding extreme cases in which those young people have other serious comorbidities).

There has not been any formal, peer-reviewed study of this new phenomenon but I did come across one compelling analysis of heart-related injuries shared by British commentator Maajid Nawaz. The findings were staggering:

“In the other years besides 2021, there were a combined total of 89217 injuries, with 100 being heart conditions (0.11%). And in 2021, there were 19912 injuries, with 44 heart conditions (0.22%). This is an increase of 100 percent in the rate of heart-related conditions.”

I will continue to monitor this ongoing trend in professional soccer (the most-watched, highest-endurance sport), but the more I look, the more I want to look away.

The media will continue to mislead, obfuscate, and cover for the public health establishment.

This platform will be one of many sanctuaries where truth will be fearlessly pursued and shared with you all.

This article was originally published on the Substack publication Noble Truths with Rav Arora.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Rav Arora
Rav Arora
Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada. He has appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show, Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, The Hill, and other programs. His Substack newsletter on mental health, spirituality, and vaccine side effects is “Noble Truths with Rav Arora.” Follow him on Twitter at @ravarora1
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