When Was The Last Time You Updated Your Opt-in?

When Was The Last Time You Updated Your Opt-in?
Deborah Asseraf

When was the last time you were on someone’s website and saw a truly engaging opt-in? Odds are, not in a while. But well crafted opt-ins are a great way to build a list, get new customers and gain referrals. Below some tips on how to design the right opt-in for your audience, why its important and how to use opt-ins properly.

Designing the Right Opt-in For Your Business. The first step is narrowing your target market and knowing exactly who your audience is. If you are targeting women who are interested in health & wellness then your audience is not well defined. Are they young? Over 40? Recently gone through a break-up or divorce? First time moms who don’t have time to take of themselves anymore? Unfortunately, you cannot serve everyone because it will confuse your company’s messaging. Pick one audience and focus on them.

Once you have done this you can start crafting your opt-in. If, for example, you’re a career coach for recent young grads then find out the topics they would be most interested in. Having an opt-in about 5 tips on how to land your next job would be too general but 5 tips on how to pay off your student loans by doing what you love is already more aligned with what recent grads would be interested in.

If you’re stuck, make a list of top keywords used by your customers or clients on a regular basis. This is usual a good place to start brainstorming so that you are sure to be headed in the right direction.

Now Make It Engaging. Once you have crafted your opt-in try to format it differently then a your usual newsletter. This will increase your customer engagement and get you more clicks. You can present your opt-in as a quiz, poll or picture. The possibilities are endless. If you are able to ensure that potential customers are receiving something not only pertinent but also engaging you are drastically increasing the advantages in your favor.

Where Your Opt-In Should Live. Once you are done crafting your awesome opt-in find a nice place for it on your website’s home page. Make sure that when people click your opt-in that the link is synced to your mailchimp (or other) account. This is will send the potential customer’s information straight to your customer list so they can get to know you better and read the next newsletter or promotion. You can do this by generating a link or button through your email marketing program. I personally use mailchimp but there are dozens of other valuable services available as well. Make your Opt-in clear and visible. It should be the first thing anyone sees on your website.

Test Your Opt-In. You’re almost there! Now that you have uploaded your opt-in to your website and synced it to your customer list, you just need to test that it works. Ask friends, colleagues and family to test your opt-in. Monitor their activity though mailchimp or Google analytics and make sure you can track who clicks and who doesn’t. Tweak your content accordingly.

Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.