What We Can Learn From Seth Godin’s Take on Risk: It’s a Tool Not A Liability

What We Can Learn From Seth Godin’s Take on Risk: It’s a Tool Not A Liability
Deborah Asseraf

We have all experienced moments where we’ve taken a risk and lost big. And now, no matter how hard we try, the shadow of that moment lingers over our heads and warns us against taking the next leap. Should I buy a home? Ask my boss for a promotion? Take that job in New Mexico? The idea of finding ourselves flat on our backs again makes risk seem far from worth it.


But, what if we considered risk as a tool rather than a liability?


Seth Godin in his new book Poke The Box looks at how taking action and initiative in life is what might not only propel you but also teach you new skills or talents you didn’t even know you had.


Most failure is not fatal. However, a majority of people will choose avoiding risk rather than taking the plunge. Here are some tips on if you find yourself stuck and need a kick in the bum:


If It Doesn’t Work Then Just Try Again. Ever watch cartoons when you were little? When did Tom ever catch Jerry on the first try? Never. Everything in life takes practice, which is why most things will never work on the first try. If you post a tweet and no one re-tweets it then just post it again in an hour. If no one comments on your blog, then tweak your messaging and ask for feedback. If you have to give a big presentation, practice around friends and family or in the shower until you get it right. By doing this you will not only be limiting your risk by being more prepared but will also have a better understanding of how to perfect the skills needed to succeed.




Tame Risk Through Baby Steps. A big part of why risks seem so scary is because they are often a leap away from our current situation, so try breaking it down into baby steps. There is a big difference between having to give a talk to a group of board directors and talking in front of 5 friends. First, write down your ultimate goal. Then, try to figure out 2 or 3 baby steps that will help you get there.


Take Appropriate Risks. Thinking through the pros and cons of any situation is a good idea but sometimes it’s necessary to take action. As a Seth Godin mentions in the interview above: “Take appropriate risks…that keep you in the game even if you fail.”  The reason why risks pay off big (when they don’t fail) is because they create a chain reaction from one action component to another. If you take the risk to contact Entrepreneur Magazine to write an article about you, and they accept, odds are this will lead to more exposure and business. The same is true with even smaller risks because people respond to those who take action. Just remember to take the appropriate action for your life or business.


Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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