What Happened When a Girl Gave Life to a Dying Rose Is Breathtaking

When Grace Ciao, a 22-year-old student from Singapore, wanted to preserve the beauty of a dying rose from a boy, she accidentally created a living dress.
What Happened When a Girl Gave Life to a Dying Rose Is Breathtaking
Flower petals dress as a new way of fashion illustration. Courtesy of Grace Ciao
Ingrid Longauerová

When Grace Ciao, a 22-year-old student from Singapore, wanted to preserve the beauty of a dying rose from a boy, she accidentally created a living dress. At that time she had no idea what kind of path rose petals would create for her.

Now, instead of water colors and brushes, she uses real flower petals for her fashion illustrations. She has branched out from using roses and now incorporates other kinds of flowers such as orchids, carnations, and hibiscus.

Thanks to the natural lines and textures of flowers, they are perfect for layering or playing with colors transitions. Nature itself seems to be the best for exemplifying the popular flower trend this summer.

Although Grace is currently studying business, she is committed to her passion for fashion illustrations. She has even started to give classes, passing on her skills and creativity to others.

Ingrid Longauerová
Ingrid Longauerová
journalist/graphic designer
Ingrid Longauerová is a long time employee at the Epoch Media Group. She started working with The Epoch Times as a freelance journalist in 2007 before coming to New York and work in the Web Production department. She is currently a senior graphic designer for the Elite Magazine, a premier luxury lifestyle magazine for affluent Chinese in America produced by the EMG.
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