What Are We Putting in Our Food? This 9-Year-Old Girl’s Simple Science Experiment Will Shock You

What exactly do chemicals used in agriculture do to our food? How do they affect our bodies?

The issue of organic food versus industrial, pesticide laden crops is a contentious one.  While some say that the world’s population can not be fed with traditional agricultural methods, natural growth advocates point to ever-growing health risks and environmental problems associated with  industrial farming. 

But what exactly do these chemicals used in agriculture do to our food? How do they affect our bodies?

A sweet 9-year-old girl conducted a simple experiment on sweet potatoes. The experiment is so simple, and the results so striking, it is hard not to pause and consider the price of industrial agriculture.

What are your thoughts after seeing this? Comment below. 

Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker is a former reporter and social media editor with The Epoch Times.
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