Western Australia Phases Out More COVID-19 Restrictions

Western Australia Phases Out More COVID-19 Restrictions
Western Australia Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson at Dumas House in Perth, Australia on Dec. 24, 2021. Photo by Matt Jelonek/Getty Images
Steve Milne

Based on the latest health advice, more of Western Australia’s COVID-19 public health measures will be scrapped as of Wednesday, June 1.

Unvaccinated Australians or permanent residents returning to Western Australia from overseas will no longer be quarantined for seven days, and the previous weekly cap of 70 unvaccinated returning Australians will no longer apply.

However, unvaccinated non-Australians are still required to be vaccinated in order to visit Australia under federal orders.

Another major change will be the updating of the mandatory vaccination policy to only pertain to those working with the most vulnerable populations.

Therefore, healthcare and support workers in hospital and healthcare settings, residential aged care workers, and disability workers will need to be triple dosed, but the mandate for workers in other sectors will be removed, aligning with most other Australian jurisdictions.

Health minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said that it’s essential to continue to protect the state’s most vulnerable, “which is why the latest health advice is that vaccine mandates should remain for some high-risk workplaces.”
WA Premier Mark McGowan speaks during an announcement in Perth, Australia, on Dec. 13, 2021. (Richard Wainwright/AAP Image)
WA Premier Mark McGowan speaks during an announcement in Perth, Australia, on Dec. 13, 2021. Richard Wainwright/AAP Image
Meanwhile, Premier Mark McGowan said that WA’s high vaccination rates were crucial in delivering what he calls the state’s “soft landing” in coming out of the pandemic and easing restrictions.

“These changes follow the easing of public health and social measures to baseline measures in late April and have been reviewed as necessary in line with the latest health advice,” he said.

“With the removal of borders, our health experts are expecting increased flu cases, which is why we need to be vigilant, especially as we’re getting into the colder months and people are now travelling more.”

The state government is also providing free flu vaccines for all WA residents through June.

Meanwhile, from June 15, the restriction on access to remote Aboriginal communities will be removed due to the widespread presence of COVID-19 across the state, meaning communities can recommence operations in areas such as tourism.

Waiting till June 15 to lift the ban is designed to allow communities to plan and adjust to the changes, and follows consultation with multiple stakeholders.

Srtict protocols still apply to COVID-19 positive people, including isolating, testing and mask wearing, while close contacts are asked to continue following the guidelines in place, which include daily testing and mask wearing.

There are currently around 50,670 active cases of COVID-19 in Western Australia, with 8,452 cases over the past 24 hours to midday on Wednesday.

Steve Milne
Steve Milne
Steve is an Australian reporter based in Sydney covering sport, the arts, and politics. He is an experienced English teacher, qualified nutritionist, sports enthusiast, and amateur musician. Contact him at [email protected].
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