‘Welcome the Freshmen!’ Says Chinese High School, With 1960s Propaganda Posters

The university in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan province, made a series of attractive posters to welcome the freshmen on their arrival.
‘Welcome the Freshmen!’ Says Chinese High School, With 1960s Propaganda Posters
"Welcome the year 2014 freshmen!" says a banner held by a young girl, used by a high school in Zhengzhou to welcome new students.
Matthew Robertson

“A university in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan province, made a series of attractive posters to welcome the freshmen on their arrival,” reported People’s Daily recently.

Global Times, a department of People’s Daily, wrote that “With summer drawing to a close, some high schools have started gradually welcoming in new students, and have hung all sorts of welcome posters.”

“A high school in Zhengzhou has created a cute series of Red and Expert welcome posters, fondly remembering the past, and brightening up everyone’s eyes.”

Whether it was a high school or a college was unclear. 

Red and expert is the principle that all cadres, and all Chinese, should both have a high level of ideological consciousness, and also professional skills with which to serve the people.

The posters, which show the masses’ love for study, family, and unwavering commitment to revolutionary struggle (the second poster, for instance, demonstrates diligent students, with machine guns and loudspeakers, smashing down class enemies), were a hit online. 

“The Cultural Revolution is a bitterly painful memory for the Chinese people. How can people take that horrible part of history and make fun with it?!” joked one Internet user.

“This is sick,” another said in jest.

Place of distributing goods and materials. Please line up to get them.

Welcome to the library! This great ocean of wisdom!

Go to the Student Fees Office! Please everyone line up to pay the fee!

Please promptly call your parents and tell them everything is all right over the phone!

Listen to the teacher in class attentively!

The campus supermarket has plentiful food and supplies! Parents, please relax!

The campus is a big warm family!

Matthew Robertson is the former China news editor for The Epoch Times. He was previously a reporter for the newspaper in Washington, D.C. In 2013 he was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi award for coverage of the Chinese regime's forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience.
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