Ways An Aspiring Model Can Use Technology To Further Her Career

Ways An Aspiring Model Can Use Technology To Further Her Career
DJ Miller

It seems like technology can help everything and this includes furthering your career for nearly every single industry. Modeling is a very difficult industry to get your foot in the door. There are politics involved with modeling whether it be the agent that the model has, the modeling firm that one signs with. This article will highlight the different ways that one can help their own cause without the help of an agent or company


Instagram has developed past the point than anyone could have ever imagined. People are discovered on Instagram very frequently whether they are fitness models or even cute children who make their way into commercials. Instagram is a great way to develop a following for their pictures and activities that they take part in. Instagram shows the models as more than just people in pictures but rather as the beautiful people that they are on the inside as well as the outside. This allows their fans to delve deeper than just in a picture and lets the model show their personalities. Engagement with fans throw comments also develops loyal fans while garnering attention of the big wigs in the industry.


In the same breath as Instagram, Twitter is a great way to connect with fans. Twitter also lets you announce appearances or photo shoots that one might be. Music artists do a great job of announcing tour dates and the modeling industry should follow suit. This does not mean that a model should be on their phone constantly during all aspects of their life. Using a Tweet scheduling program such as Hootsuite is a great way to schedule Tweets for the next couple of months. If a model has a schedule or dates that she will be doing either runway shows or shoots then she can keep her fans updated by spending a couple hours scheduling Tweets for her upcoming activities that followers would be interested in. Interacting with fans on Twitter can be difficult if you garner a lot of attention as some fans can be rude or the overwhelming number of responses could lead to a full time job for the model. This is why many celebs and models have social media managers who take care of this in the voice of the profiles that they are managing.

Photo Editing Software and Services

Models depend immensely on the photographers that they work with. Often times, the best photographers have the best editors. When a photographer lacks the appropriate editing skills, sometimes his client’s true beauty might not shine appropriately. There are services on the internet that do photo retouching which help bring out the true beauty of the models. With technology playing such an important role in today’s modeling industry, photo editing is very essential. Without the right editors or touchups, this could be the difference between a magazine cover and not making the magazing at all. Saving these pictures in a safe place like Filecloud that do this and keep all of your information secure.">Filecloud can keep these pictures regardless if your computer crashes or is hacked. Keeping your best shots on the cloud will keep them safe even if your personal portfolio is compromised.

As you can see, technology and social media plays a huge role in the modeling industry. Don’t be left behind when it comes to technology when trying to further your career no matter what the industry.

DJ Miller is a graduate student at the University of Tampa. He's an avid gadget geek and spends most of his time reading or writing. He is a huge fantasy sports fan and even runs his own advice site for Fantasy Help.