Watch: Officer Adopts ‘Unadoptable’ Student

Epoch Newsroom

Master Deputy Mike Gibson was just one of multiple police officers who started participating in a new program that would bring cops into classrooms.

The goal of the program, established in a South Carolina school district, is to get students used to the idea that cops are friends of the community, with men and women that want to protect them.

Gibson did so well visiting schools that he was soon a full-time resource officer at one of them. And the students loved him.

One boy in particular loved him so much he started calling Mike “Officer Dad.” Turns out, the kid was an orphan who had already been through at least eight different foster homes, becoming a victim of child abuse on the way. 

“He was searching. He was definitely a child in need,” Gibson told WYFF. “He was in need of parents, that’s what he wanted.”

Gibson spoke to his wife and they eventually decided they wanted to adopt the kid. What a touching story!