Washington Vigil Honors Sacrifice

A solemn scene greeted passersby as Falun Gong practitioners from around the world gathered for a candlelight vigil at the Washington Monument on July 13.
Washington Vigil Honors Sacrifice
Ren Guoxian, 39, nonprofit volunteer in California. (Henry Lam/The Epoch Times)
Amelia Pang
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1784929" title="7-13-12_CandlelightVigil_LisaFan_1" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/7-13-12_CandlelightVigil_LisaFan_1.jpg" alt="Falun Gong practitioners hold candles " width="590" height="442"/></a>
Falun Gong practitioners hold candles

A solemn scene greeted passersby as Falun Gong practitioners from around the world gathered for a candlelight vigil at the Washington Monument on July 13. Mostly dressed in yellow, the practitioners were paying homage to the thousands of lives lost during the 13-year persecution of the practice in China.

Falun Gong is a spiritual meditation practice practiced around the world. At one time it was openly practiced in China, but since July 20, 1999, it has been persecuted by the country’s communist regime.

And so they came to the U.S. capital, to peacefully assemble and pay their respects to those who had died under persecution. Among them were survivors of the communist regime’s brutal torture methods, and fellow practitioners who felt compelled to show their support.

<a><img class=" wp-image-1784931 " title="7-13-2012_QnA_RenGuoxian_HenryLam" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/7-13-2012_QnA_RenGuoxian_HenryLam.jpg" alt="Ren Guoxian" width="140" height="210"/></a>
Ren Guoxian

Ren Guoxian, 39, nonprofit volunteer in California
“This is for all the practitioners who have died in China. I was also severely tortured while in China. I have personally seen practitioners die at detention centers. When I see these pictures and candlelight vigils we hold, I feel a profound sadness. We all believe in truth, compassion, and tolerance, yet we receive such treatment, to the point where many have died. Although I completed my Master of Environmental Science in China, I did not receive a degree because I refused to give up my belief in Falun Gong. I am at this event to tell the world that: Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance are good; stop the persecution.”

<a><img class=" wp-image-1784933  " title="7-13-2012_QnA_YuHaiwen_HenryLam" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/7-13-2012_QnA_YuHaiwen_HenryLam.jpg" alt="Yu Haiwen" width="147" height="221"/></a>
Yu Haiwen

Yu Haiwen, 44, hair stylist, recent refugee from China
“I was persecuted while in China; it was a bloody experience. Close friends of mine have died in the same detention center that I was tortured at. This persecution continues today. Dafa practitioners in China have no freedom in China. They cannot attend events like these. There are so many Dafa practitioners who are still being tortured in China. My best friend, who practiced and got arrested with me, is still in jail right now. She only weighs 65 pounds now, and her legs are disabled. It is for her, and all the practitioners who are still being tortured, that I must attend all the activities, like the vigil, outside of China.”

Many Ngom, 43, fashion designer from Canada
“It’s important to be here as a Dafa practitioner. We need to do our part to show the world how devastating the persecution is. It is always moving to see so many people. I feel privileged to be here today. I wish we could do more.”

Bruno Malvino, 25, traffic technician from France
“I’m here to commemorate all the Falun Dafa practitioners that have died in jail. I have a friend who became disabled after being tortured for many years in China. He left the jail with tuberculosis.”

Jose Johny, 26, software engineer from South India
“I want the persecution to stop. The Chinese Communist Party is persecuting it based on atheist principles. I have friends whose sisters and parents have been killed. I came from India just for this.”

<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1784936" title="7-13-12_CandlelightVigil_LisaFan_4" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/7-13-12_CandlelightVigil_LisaFan_4.jpg" alt="the Chinese characters for truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance" width="590" height="442"/></a>
the Chinese characters for truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance

People passing by were struck by the serene scene, and the underlying issue of persecution.

<a><img class=" wp-image-1784938 " title="7-13-2012_QnA_EricBerdan_HenryLam9" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/7-13-2012_QnA_EricBerdan_HenryLam9.jpg" alt="Eric Berdan" width="140" height="210"/></a>
Eric Berdan

Amelia Pang is a New York-based, award-winning journalist. She covers local news and specializes in long-form, narrative writing. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and global studies from the New School. Subscribe to her newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/ameliapang
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