Viral Essay Explains What It’s Like to Be ‘That Fat Person Sitting Next to You on the Plane’

Viral Essay Explains What It’s Like to Be ‘That Fat Person Sitting Next to You on the Plane’
A woman in a stock photo. esolla/iStock
Epoch Newsroom

Seats in airplanes always seem to be getting smaller.

Some of us are left to squeeze into the tight spaces, while others are left to buy two seats or not fly at all.

An anonymous fat person has penned an essay explaining the perspective of a fat person on a plane.

“My breath tightens immediately when the call comes. It’s my boss’s boss, telling me there’s an important meeting in another city. Or maybe it’s a friend, inviting me to her wedding in California. Sometimes, it is a family member who’s health is failing, and the time has come to say goodbye,” the woman starts in the essay, which was published on Medium

My heart is pounding ... I will have to get on a plane. And I am fat.

The flight doesn’t go so badly, but the author still dreads the return flight and all future air travels, concluding: “Air travel is sadly familiar, a microcosm of what happens so often as a fat person. I am watched—and judged harshly—as I try—and fail—to fit into a space that was made for someone else. I am always too big, always too much, always unacceptable. I must make myself smaller and smaller, reducing and reducing endlessly, my stubborn body resisting at every turn. Still, I am never quite small enough to make anyone else comfortable.”