Videos of the Day: Trump Stands by Demand for Complete Wall at Border

Epoch Newsroom

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Trump invited Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress to the White House for the border security briefing on the 12th day of a partial U.S. government shutdown triggered by his demand for $5 billion in wall funding.

“The United States needs a physical barrier needs a wall to stop illegal immigration and to halt deadly inflow of drugs and crime. We have ICE and we have Border Patrol they are going to make a plea for the wall. They need the wall. They can’t do it without the wall.”Trump said.

President Donald Trump said that he was open to working on a path to legal status for the young illegal aliens known as Dreamers.

So far, the administration has rejected a proposal from Democrats to reopen the government without money to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.The president “wants an agreement that reopens the government AND keeps Americans safe,” the White House said on Twitter.

US Demands Details on American Citizen Detained in Russia for Alleged Spying

The United States is demanding more details and an explanation about the detainment in Russia of an American citizen, who the Kremlin has accused of spying in Moscow.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters in Brazil on Jan. 2 the U.S. hopes to make contact soon with Paul Whelan, a former U.S. Marine. Whelan is the director of global security at BorgWarner, a Michigan-based automotive parts supplier, according to a company statement.

“We are hopeful, within the next hours, we will get consular access to see him and get a chance to learn more,” Pompeo said.

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Russian Tower Block Collapse IS a Suspected Terror Attack, Say Officials

As people in the city of Magnitogorsk recover from a New Year Eve disaster, three people were killed after a minibus exploded in the Urals area. Although the two incidents appear to be unrelated, a report said the people in the minibus were terrorists who planned a tower block collapse.

On Karl Marx Avenue in Magnitogorsk, a minibus exploded around 1 a.m. local time on Jan. 1, less than two days after a tower block collapse and no more than two miles away from the ruins of the collapsed apartments.

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Police Dog Tracks Down Suspect In Snow

A Montana police dog is being credited for tracking down a suspect in extreme conditions.

The police dog trekked four miles in the snow and cold to track down a suspect wanted on a felony parole violation.

The search took place over three hours on new year’s eve in dark conditions. Deputies managed to arrest the suspect.