Videos of the Day: Prior to G-20, Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested for Peacefully Protesting Chinese Regime’s Abuses

Videos of the Day: Prior to G-20, Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested for Peacefully Protesting Chinese Regime’s Abuses
Argentine Falun Gong practitioners hang two banners on crowd control barriers, which read “Stop the persecution of Falun Gong” and “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice” in Spanish and Chinese on Nov. 29 ahead of the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Screenshot via YouTube
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Ahead of the G-20 summit, practitioners of the spiritual discipline Falun Gong gathered on Nov. 29 near the Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel, where Chinese leader Xi Jinping was staying.

They peacefully appealed for the Chinese communist regime to end its 19-year suppression of their faith.

Several police officers tried to confiscate their banners.

One man from a pro-Chinese Communist Party group jabbed his flagpole into the tussle in an apparent attempt to get the demonstrator to release their banner.

A male police officer used his baton to hit the hands of the demonstrators holding the banner.

The same officer also used his baton to place a chokehold on a male demonstrator to try to get him to release the banner.

The banner was eventually seized by police.

Nine demonstrators were arrested and detained overnight at a local police station.

The following day, they were released in the afternoon without charges.

A demonstrator involved in the incident, Natividad Almaraz, 25, said a male police officer told her they were told the demonstrators were not allowed to be there because they were protesting the Chinese regime.

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US, China Declare 90-Day Halt to New Tariffs

President Donald Trump and Xi Jinping have reached a tentative agreement.

“It’s an incredible deal,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One after the summit. “If it happens, it goes down as one of the largest deals ever made.”

Meeting in Argentina on Saturday, Trump agreed to maintain the 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods … rather than raise them to 25 percent.

In exchange, China has agreed to deliver structural reforms within the next three months, and purchase a very substantial amount of agriculture and energy goods from the United States.

If an agreement is not reached within 90 days, the 10 percent tariffs will rise to 25 percent.

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Rare December Tornadoes Hit Central US

Several tornadoes just hit central Illinois, injuring at least 20 people.

The severe weather in Illinois was part of a line of thunderstorms that raked areas of the central U.S. late Friday and into Saturday, killing one person in Missouri.

Tornadoes were also reported in Arkansas and Oklahoma.

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Floating Christmas Tree Lights in Rio de Janeiro’s Night Sky

Rio de Janeiro’s floating Christmas tree was lit on Saturday, officially kicking off the holiday season in the beachside city after a three-year absence.

The annual celebration has become a mainstay for tourists who came out in droves along with locals to be part of the celebration.

The Christmas tree was first erected in 1996 and its lighting has become Rio’s third biggest tourist event after Carnival festivities and New Year’s Eve on Copacabana Beach.