Videos of the Day: Kavanaugh, Accuser Both Agree to Speak With Lawmakers

Epoch Newsroom

President Donald Trump urged senators to hear from both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexual assault before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes whether to recommend the nominee for confirmation to a seat on the Supreme Court.

The president made the comments on the afternoon of Sept. 17, after both Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, agreed to speak with lawmakers. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)  said he was working to set up calls with both parties.

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Storm Florence’s Drenching Rains Kill 23 in the Carolinas

Deeper flooding loomed in the hours and days ahead from rivers in the Carolinas swollen by Tropical Depression Florence, which has killed 23 people, even if rain-weary residents got a brief glimpse of sunshine on Sept. 17.

The slow-moving storm, a hurricane when it hit the North Carolina coast, has dumped up to 36 inches of rain on the state since Sept. 13, displacing thousands. The flooding could persist for several weeks in some areas.

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Super Typhoon Wrecks Buildings, Trees in Hong Kong

Typhoon Mangkhut barreled into southern China on Sept. 16, killing two people after lashing the Philippines with strong winds and heavy rain that left at least 64 dead and dozens more feared buried in a landslide.

More than 2.4 million people had been evacuated in southern China’s Guangdong province by Sept. 16 evening to flee the massive typhoon and nearly 50,000 fishing boats were called back to port, state media reported. It threatened to be the strongest typhoon to hit Hong Kong in nearly two decades.

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You Can’t Believe Your Eyes at the Museum of Illusions

It’s a museum where seeing is not the same as believing. The Museum of Illusions is set to open in New York City.

Filled with confusing mirrors, mind-bending geometric patterns, and trippy colors and light, each optical illusion challenges your brain to reconcile what is seen by your eyes.

The museum is part science and part art. And unlike most other museums, visitors are invited to interact with the installations and puzzles.

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