Videos of the Day: 5,200 Troops to Deploy to US-Mexico Border to Stop Migrant Caravan

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As two, thousands-strong Central American migrant caravans inch closer to the United States border, law enforcement is gearing up to meet them.

By the end of the week, the Department of Defense will have deployed 5,200 active-duty troops to assist with the temporary barricading of the border, as well as providing support to Customs and Border Protection.

Gen. Terrence John O’Shaughnessy from the U.S. Northern Command said on Oct. 29 that troops are heading south “as we speak” to “harden the southern border.”

O’Shaughnessy said the priority of the mission, dubbed “Operation Faithful Patriot,” is to fortify southern Texas, then Arizona, and finally California. The focus will be securing the ports of entry and the key gaps around them. Heavy equipment used to build temporary vehicle barriers and fencing is currently being hauled to Texas.

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Rabbi of Tree of Life Synagogue Says Trump Is Welcome to Visit Shooting Site

The rabbi of Tree of Life Synagogue, where a gunman killed 11 people on Oct. 27, said that President Donald Trump is welcome to visit the site of the shooting.

“The President of the United States is always welcome. I’m a citizen, he’s my president. He is certainly welcome,” said Rabbi Jeffrey Myers.

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota tried to goad Myers into blaming someone other than the shooter, as a number of media outlets, pundits, and reporters have tried to blame Trump despite the shooter openly making anti-Trump posts on the social media website Gab.
In one post, Robert Bowers disparaged Trump’s categorization of himself as a nationalist, saying Trump was actually a globalist. In another, he said he did not vote for Trump and the person he was speaking with suggested burning “Make America Great Again” hats. In another, he claimed Trump was controlled by Jewish supporters.

Trump is also considered a pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president. He finalized moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, a move widely praised by Jews worldwide, and his daughter Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism before her marriage to Jared Kushner.

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President Trump Marks Halloween at the White House

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump marked Halloween at the White House by handing out candy to kids at a festive event on the South Lawn.

The couple appeared Sunday at the Halloween event, passing out White House Hershey bars and Twizzlers to children dressed as superheros, astronauts, and princesses. The South Portico was decorated with pumpkins, hay bales, and cornstalks, as a military band played spooky music.

Trump and the first lady chatted and posed for photos with the kids as they distributed treats from wicker baskets.

The White House said the event was attended by military families and local children.

Princess Ayako of Japan Marries Commoner in Tokyo Ceremony

Japan’s Princess Ayako married a commoner in a ritual-filled ceremony Monday, Oct. 29 at Tokyo’s Meiji Shrine.

Ayako and groom Kei Moriya were shown on national news walking slowly before guests at the shrine. The wedding took place in one of the pagoda-like buildings in the shrine complex and included an exchange of rings and a sharing of a cup of sake, according to Japanese media.

Both rituals are relatively routine for Shinto-style weddings, including those of regular Japanese.

Ayako, 28, is the daughter of the emperor’s cousin, and Moriya, 32, works for major shipping company Nippon Yusen.

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