Video: The Sweetest Traffic Stop Ever


This traffic stop ends with an unexpected but heartwarming announcement. 

In a video posted on the Orange County Sheriff’s Department YouTube channel on March 28, Orange County Deputy Sheriff Mike Wigginton pulls over a car in violation of California’s Motor Vehicle Code 21655—a code that delineates the parameters for high-occupancy vehicle lane usage. 

The woman in the offending vehicle, unable to hold back a chuckle, insists she is simply trying to go to work. “Who else would get pulled over by their husband,” laments the woman. 

“Ma'am,” Deputy Wigginton interrupts the woman’s protestations “we will argue about this later.” 

“Oh, yes! Yes, yes we will,” retorts the driver while handing over her driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

All this is a set-up for an adorable announcement. Deputy Mike Wigginton and his wife are going to have a baby. 

After reading over what the viewer presumes are the woman’s documents, Deputy Wigginton turns the papers towards the camera, displaying the announcement of a “Baby Wigginton” on the way. 

Their child is due in September 2016, according to the sign.