Victorian Businesses Told to Wait for QR Check-In System

Victorian Businesses Told to Wait for QR Check-In System
COVID-19 safety signage is seen at the entrance of St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney, Australia on Oct. 23, 2020. (Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)
Alex Joseph

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has said that he won’t be rushed into launching the state’s electronic customer check-in system as Victoria has yet to resolve privacy and security issues, leaving thousands of businesses to sort out how they will record details for contact tracing.

Andrews announced on Monday the easing of some restrictions that would allow patrons to dine in and shop in store for the first time in over 100 days. Further eases are scheduled for Nov. 8, increasing maximum capacity for indoor and outdoor activity.

Victorian businesses are being asked to keep contact tracing records in case of further outbreaks of COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as novel coronavirus.

The Victorian government is now under pressure to roll out a QR (quick response) check-in system for businesses.

But Andrews said some fine-tuning is needed to make it compatible with the new contact tracing system developed in partnership with the American technology giant, Salesforce.

“I think it’s really important that we get this right. And there are a number of different issues here,” he said at a COVID-19 update on Thursday.

“There’s privacy, there’s the security of the data that’s captured, and then there’s also making sure that we have perfect compatibility between the front door of the QR code system and the new database that we have built, the new CRM product that we’ve built,” Andrews said.

Other jurisdictions already have QR code check-in systems set up and Victoria will be basing its QR code app on these jurisdictions’ systems. The emphasis is on making it efficient and free for businesses.

Privacy concerns were raised earlier this year when Australia’s COVID Safe app was launched. In the wake of this, the federal government updated a guide for businesses collecting personal information, ensuring it is only for the use of contact tracing.

Businesses in Victoria have already taken matters into their own hands with many opting for traditional pen and paper methods to record customer check-ins, in lieu of the state’s QR app. Companies such as Google and Microsoft offer an online form for patrons to fill in. Merchants such as Square have their own QR code app, which is free for members who already use their products.