‘We Are in Trouble’: Theatregoers Respond to D’Souza’s Movie ‘Police State’

At a screening of the movie in Michigan, many shed tears over America’s current trajectory and concerns over unequal justice.
‘We Are in Trouble’: Theatregoers Respond to D’Souza’s Movie ‘Police State’
A fictionalized view of FBI agents on a surveillance detail as depicted in a scene from the film 'Police State.' (Courtesy of Dinesh D'Souza)
Steven Kovac

“I cried in there. It makes me so sad to see what is happening to America,” said a suburban woman on her way out of the theater.

That was the reaction of numerous moviegoers as they exited the Oct. 23 theater premiere showing of ‘Police State,’ the latest feature-length film by conservative author, filmmaker, and political commentator Dinesh D’Souza.

The teary-eyed woman was among the many people who stopped to talk to The Epoch Times in the lobby or parking lot of the large theater metroplex in Macomb County, Michigan.

“How do our officials sleep at night? Innocent people are being persecuted, people who are not criminals,” she said. “I pray that God would use this well-done film to have an effect on those who should fear him.”

A Grandmother’s Response

“We are in trouble,” said a 70-year-old grandmother of six. “Our children and our grandchildren are in trouble. We need to fight back hard. I got tickets for five of my friends and relatives.

“Many people I know are still so complacent. They would be devastated if they saw this film—and, well, they should be.

“I ask myself, ‘Are we getting to enough people who are not knowledgeable and need to be informed?’”

When asked what takeaways from the film she would like to share with the public, she said, “Wake up! Speak up! This is America, and we’ve got to save it.”

Three friends came together to attend the premiere of 'Police State.' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)
Three friends came together to attend the premiere of 'Police State.' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)

‘Enemy of the American People’

“We are really awake,” said Rick, one of a small group of friends who came to watch the film together.

“Our present leadership in Washington is the enemy of the American people.

“They are allowing the takedown of America through unlimited immigration. They have created an unfair system of justice. They are running roughshod over our Constitution and are hurting us all through debt-fueled inflation.”

Bob from Washington, Michigan, called the leaders in Washington “morons.”

Will Apathy Be Our Undoing?

“Everybody seems to be only interested in their own lives and what is going on 50 feet from their front door. That’s what they are occupied with,” a man named John commented. “Me. I’m tuned into the news two or three times a day. I care about what is happening. I want to know what’s going on.”

Ron from Shelby said, “This is a good movie. It gives us the facts instead of propaganda. We can’t get this stuff from the mainstream media.”

Ken, an army veteran with 38 years of service said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. It’s the stuff that we don’t see and hear that we need to.”

“I don’t trust government as much as I used to,” he added.

A woman named Cindy told The Epoch Times that she worried that when word of the message of the movie spreads, people will say, “Oh, it’s just a movie. It’s propaganda.”

Bob, a realtor from Shelby, Michigan, said that he was familiar with most of what he saw in the movie before he viewed it.

“The film did a good job of putting it all together for people. It’s stuff you just don’t want to believe is happening, but it is,” Bob said.

He added that lots of people he knows “simply don’t have the time” to keep up with such things.

A Stark Warning

“Pay attention, people! Or we won’t have a country,” said a pistol-packing woman named Julie from Troy.

She said she holds a concealed-pistol permit for her own protection.

Julie stated that she is doing her part to keep on top of things and help the cause.

“We have to be aware of what is happening. I listen to a lot of podcasts. I brought a friend here tonight to see ‘Police State.’

“We have to be aware of what’s happening. Most people are clueless. Every American should see this film.”

According to Julie, the police state was brought to light for her during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“That revealed how easily the government could, through the use of fear, control and suppress the American people and lock us down.”

A mother and her son on their way into the premiere of 'Police State' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)
A mother and her son on their way into the premiere of 'Police State' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)
April from St. Clair said she came to the premiere out of curiosity.

Freedom in Jeopardy

April’s adult son, Troy, who accompanied her, told The Epoch Times, “I’m a Republican. I believe my freedom and rights are being threatened right now. That’s why I am here.”

Bill from Shelby said, “The weaponizing of the DOJ is deeply concerning.”

His wife, Gayle, added, “We came out tonight to support Dinesh and to see what is happening in the current state of affairs.

“We are concerned that the Bill of Rights is under attack. Our freedom of speech is almost gone. That’s scary!”

“We want to know the truth,” said Cindy and Bill from Pearl Beach.

A couple attends the premiere of 'Police State' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)
A couple attends the premiere of 'Police State' in Sterling Heights, Mich. on Oct. 23, 2023. (Steven Kovac/Epoch Times)

Several people mentioned they were very concerned about collusion between the government and Big Tech to censor opposing viewpoints.

“I think the biggest threat to our liberty is censorship,” said one woman.

Another woman added, “The government has too much power. We don’t really have rights anymore. You don’t know how much Big Tech is watching you.”

2-tier System of Justice

A couple from Montana visiting Michigan found time to attend the movie because they “like Dinesh’s work.”

Richard said he and his wife, Christine, were deeply saddened by the “two-tier justice system” that is dominating the national scene.

“We’re worried that we are going into a police state where you can’t have free speech and are arrested just for speaking your mind,” said Sherry from Auburn.

“We’re losing our country,” said Cheryl from Centerline.

Old-timers Saw It Coming

One woman remembered the conversations she had with her elders years ago and their warnings of the coming of “one-world Government, the loss of national sovereignty, and the loss of the rights and freedoms of Americans.”
“After seeing this movie and what’s going on today, what I thought at the time to be nothing but kooky conspiracy theories have turned into reality. People back in the old days were right.”

Virtual Premiere Oct. 27

Mr. D’Souza told The Epoch Times that the movie was shown in theaters for only two days but those that missed it can catch it soon online.

“We have a unique release plan. There will be a pay-for-view virtual premiere on Friday, Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. ET. Included will be a post-showing question-and-answer session with me and my collaborator on the film, Dan Bongino.”

For further information about the virtual premiere and other upcoming streaming options, and to watch the trailer, go to policestatefilm.net.

Also, the film ‘Police State’ will be available on Epoch TV as a pay-for-view program at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday, Oct. 30. The premiere will be immediately followed by a free, live, Q&A with Dinesh D'Souza hosted by The Epoch Times’ “Crossroads” host Joshua Philipp.

Steven Kovac reports for The Epoch Times from Michigan. He is a general news reporter who has covered topics related to rising consumer prices to election security issues. He can be reached at [email protected]
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