NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C.—Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) formally announced his bid for president on May 22 during an event in North Charleston, South Carolina.
In his speech, Scott, 57, drew heavily from his life story of rising from extreme poverty to becoming the GOP’s only black U.S. senator.
“Joe Biden and the Democrats are attacking every rung of the ladder that helped me climb,” Scott said. “And that’s why I’m running for president of the United States.”
His announcement places him in an already crowded field: President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are currently considered the frontrunners in the Republican primary, although the latter hasn’t officially announced his campaign. But other Republicans, including former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, have also thrown their hats in the ring.
Scott already has one high-value endorsement to his name: that of Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.). Thune spoke at the event, leading a prayer before Scott made his remarks.
“I want all of America to know what South Carolina knows,” Thune said. “And that is that Tim Scott is the real deal. And he will make a great president of the United States.
“I think our country is ready to be inspired again.”

Thune cited Scott’s work on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a signature bill signed by Trump, as an example of his legislative accomplishments.
Scott has long been considered a prospect for president, particularly among South Carolina voters. Lines for the event stretched out the door and to the street, with hundreds of locals hoping for the chance to hear Scott’s announcement.
Many attendees said they were supporting Scott because of his Christian values, his personal story, and his optimistic attitude.
Scott’s campaign slogan, “Faith in America,” indicates the importance of this optimistic approach in Scott’s campaign.
“I just really admire his story,” one attendee said.
Another called Scott “a good Christian man doing things that should be done right.”

Rising Out of Poverty
Born to a single mother, Scott raised himself out of poverty through his mother’s encouragement. He has long used his own story as a case in point of the opportunity the United States provides, and in his May 22 speech, he hit the same theme, declaring that opportunity still exists in the United States.“My momma worked 16-hour days as a nurse’s aide—changing bedpans and rolling patients,” he said. “It was hard work. It was not glamorous.
“Those 16-hour days put food on our table. And kept our lights on. They empowered her to move her boys out of a place filled with anger into a home full of love.
“My mom’s work ethic taught me there is dignity in all work.”
“And that’s why I know, if you are able-bodied, you work if you can,” Scott said, a reference to Republican calls for stricter work requirements to receive government financial assistance.
Scott also said his rise out of poverty is a case in point of American exceptionalism.
“We live in the land where it is possible for a kid raised in poverty by a single mother in a small apartment to one day serve in the People’s House and maybe even the White House,” he said.
“They say opportunity in America is a myth and faith in America is a fraud. But the truth of my life disproves their lies.”
‘Candidate the Far Left Fears the Most’
In the past, Scott has said that he poses a challenge to Democrats’ narrative, and he reiterated that in his announcement, calling himself “the candidate the far left fears the most.”“This is the freest and fairest land, where you and I can go as high as our character, our grit, and our talent will take us,” he said. “I bear witness to that. I testify to that.
“That’s why I’m the candidate the far left fears the most.”
In the past, some Democrats have dismissed Scott as “a prop” or “a token” for his support of conservative positions, particularly on issues of taxation and police.
A Nation in ‘Retreat’
By his ascent from poverty and by his position as a black conservative, Scott said, “I disrupt their narrative. I threaten their control. The truth of my life disproves their lies.“Our party and our nation are standing at a time for choosing.”
He called the election a choice between victimhood and victory, grievance and greatness.
“I choose freedom and hope and opportunity,” Scott said.
He pointed to his differences from President Joe Biden, whom he called “weak.”
“Our nation, our values, and our people are strong,” he said. “But our president is weak.”
Scott said that although the United States isn’t in decline, under Biden it has become “a nation in retreat.”
‘Demonizing, Demoralizing, Defunding the Police’
Scott also struck a strongly pro-law enforcement tone during the announcement, saying that left-wing policies were causing crime to increase and endangering the lives of those in low-income city communities.“In Biden’s America, crime is on the rise and law enforcement is in retreat,” Scott reiterated the point later, going into a litany of common GOP criticisms of left-wing criminal justice policy.
“The far-left is ending cash bail, they’re demonizing, demoralizing, and defunding the police,” Scott said.
In many major cities across the country, left-wing prosecutors have reduced penalties for violent crimes and refused to enforce laws against certain crimes.
The effect of these policies, Scott said, is more dangerous communities in places like where he grew up.
“Where I grew up, people ended up in prison or in the cemetery” from crime, Scott added.
Voters Testing the Waters
Several voters who attended the rally said they were interested in Scott but not ready to commit to giving him their support.Many suggested that they were at the event to “test the waters” and see where Scott stands.
One attendee said he wasn’t committed to Scott but felt that he was the most electable candidate in the field right now. Asked what his most important issues were, the attendee said “electability” was near the top.
Asked about their thoughts on Haley, a well-liked former governor of the state, many attendees said that although they like her, they think that she can be “wishy-washy” on issues.
Scott is more “consistent” in his conservative positions, they said.
‘Best Candidate for Future’
Another attendee, a young man with a child, said he was supporting Scott because Scott was “the best candidate for this guy’s future” while gesturing to the child.Rocky Berton, who said he works in “public safety,” told The Epoch Times, “I’m here to support Tim Scott because I really appreciate his values.”
Asked why he was supporting Scott over other options such as Haley, Berton said, “Well, he’s a hometown fella.”
On the other hand, Berton wasn’t entirely ready to commit to Scott. He said that although Scott “was up there with [Trump and DeSantis] and may even have the upper hand,” Berton indicated that he still wasn’t sure which candidate he'll support.
Berton said that because of his background, he considered national security the most important issue and suggested that Scott was the strongest candidate on that issue.
Tom Clements, another attendee, said he doesn’t think DeSantis has much of a chance to win. On the other hand, he suggested that he hoped Scott became vice president rather than president.
“I think he’d be a good vice president,” Clements said.
School Choice Stance
Clements cited school choice, an issue that Scott has long pushed, as one of his most important issues. Under a “school choice” or “voucher” system, students would be able to choose their school rather than be shuffled into a particular public school.Scott has said that adopting a school choice program would enable others to rise out of poverty like he did. Clements agreed, saying school choice would help black and white Americans alike escape poverty and close the wealth gap.
Clements also cited the importance of a strong military as a reason for his support of Scott.
“I don’t think we should be deleting our military; we should be building our military,” Clements said.
But ultimately, he echoed popular sentiment when he said he was just “testing the waters” to see where Scott stands.
He also trails behind other potential and announced contenders like former Vice President Mike Pence and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.
On the other hand, Scott is entering the race with $22 million in his campaign account after easily winning a nearly 25-point victory over Democrat Krystle Matthews in 2022. Scott can immediately transfer the funds to his presidential campaign account, meaning he’s entering the race with more cash on hand than any other candidate in U.S. history.
Scott has long said his current term, which will end in 2029, will be his last.
Some think that if Scott pulls off an early primary win in South Carolina, where he’s popular, it could lead to more victories in later primaries.
The Democratic National Committee responded to Scott’s announcement by dismissing the notion that Scott offers much of an alternative to Trump’s policies. DNC chair Jamie Harrison, who ran unsuccessfully for Senate in South Carolina in 2020, released a statement calling the senator “a fierce advocate of the MAGA agenda.”