Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, criticized American Airlines’ decision to end their policy of blocking middle seats on flights.
The CDC director said many airlines have kept the middle-seat blocking and that American Airlines’ decision is currently under “critical review” at the CDC.
“We don’t think it’s the right message, as you pointed out,” Redfield said in response to a question from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “Again, we think it’s really important in individuals that are in whether it’s a bus or a train or a plane or social distancing to the degree that’s feasible and at least have a reliable face covering,” he said.
In April, American Airlines capped the number of customers on each flight to 85 percent, meaning that all middle seats were empty to allow for social distancing, a spokesperson for the airline told The Epoch Times in an email.
“As more people continue to travel, customers may notice that flights are booked to capacity starting July 1,” said the spokesperson.

Fauci said he doesn’t know what was behind American Airlines’ decision, but that it’s a matter of concern.
“I would hope there would be something to mitigate against that because I know as we’ve said and I continue to repeat it, that avoiding crowds, staying the distance, and when in a situation like that, wear a mask. I think in the confines of an airplane that becomes even more problematic,” Fauci told Sanders.
The spokesperson, however, said the airline is committed to the safety and well-being of all customers and team members.
“We have multiple layers of protection in place for those who fly with us, including required face coverings, enhanced cleaning procedures, and a pre-flight COVID-19 symptom checklist—and we’re providing additional flexibility for customers to change their travel plans, as well,” said the spokesperson.
Josh Earnest, United Airlines chief communications officer, told reporters that the middle-seat blocking is a PR strategy and that practicing social-distancing is not possible inside an aircraft.
“When it comes to blocking middle seats, that’s a PR strategy, that’s not a safety strategy,” said Earnest, who also served as White House press secretary under then-President Barack Obama.
Other airlines will continue to block middle-seats and cap seating in every cabin as a safety precaution. The airlines—which include Delta, JetBlue, and Southwest—announced that the policy will remain through Sept. 30.