When asked if President Joe Biden agrees with the recent controversial remarks made by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) about the Derek Chauvin case, White House press secretary Jen Psaki dodged commenting, while saying it is “the most American thing” to protest against injustice.
Biden “has been very clear that he recognizes the issue of police violence against people of color, communities of color, as one of great anguish, and it’s exhausting and quite emotional at times,” Psaki said at a press conference on Monday.
Psaki pointed out that Biden met the family of George Floyd last year and is “committed to undoing this long-standing systemic problem.”
“His view is also that exercising First Amendment rights and protesting injustice is the most American thing that anyone can do,” Psaki added. “But as he also always says, protests must be peaceful. That’s what he continues to call for and what he continues to believe is the right way to approach responding.”
Waters attended a protest in Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis, on Saturday night. She told the protesters gathered: “We’ve got to stay on the street. We’ve got to be more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

Pelosi defended Waters on Monday, saying that her remarks were “absolutely not” inciting violence.
“Maxine talked about confrontation in the manner of the civil rights movement,” Pelosi told reporters in Washington. “No, I don’t think she should apologize.”

“I am nonviolent,” Waters said, alleging that Republicans would “jump on any word, any line” to denounce her and Democrats and call them violent.
“I talk about confronting the justice system,” Waters explained. “Confronting the policing that’s going on, I’m talking about speaking up. I’m talking about legislation. I’m talking about elected officials doing what needs to be done to control their budgets and to pass legislation,” she said, explaining what her words “more confrontational” means.
Waters said that she wouldn’t be “bullied” by Republicans.