Yet, according to a 30-year study out of Sweden, “even after going through the gender reassignment and living as the opposite sex, the rates of mental health disorders and suffering, and the rates of suicide are alarmingly high,” said Grossman, a child and adolescent specialist.
To find out whether suicide decreased after sex reassignment, Swedish researchers conducted a study from 1973–2003 in which they followed 324 sex-reassigned persons (191 male-to-females, 133 female-to-males).
“Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.”
“It is clear that the presence of a state-level provision for minors to access health care without parental consent makes no difference in suicide rates among those ages 12 to 23 until about 2010, when the suicide rate begins to drift up in states with easier access.”
Many who have de-transitioned back to their original gender, talk “about feeling suicidal, because of where they are at now. They are recognizing that their original mental health issues were never addressed,” and they still have depression, anxiety and trauma said, Grossman.
Also, these young adults have added mental health issues from the damage caused by the hormones and surgeries, many having had their genitalia altered and being left infertile.

No in Europe, Go in the United States
The guidelines for all medical professionals on how to handle gender dysphoria come from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), said Grossman. Europe does not use these guidelines but they are wholeheartedly supported in the United States.While WPATH says it is a medical organization, Grossman calls it a transgender advocacy organization.
The Epoch Times reached out to WPATH for comment on the safety of the medical treatments outlined in their standards of care.
“Gender-affirming care is an Orwellian manipulation of language,” said Grossman, and there are euphemisms to describe mastectomies and castration.

The guidelines use the terms “top” and “bottom” surgeries, which are the removal of healthy breasts for females and castration for males—procedures that cannot be reversed. The most radical thing Grossman sees in these guidelines is that there is no lower age limit for this gender-affirming care.
“It’s a decision to be made by the child with the practitioner—with or without the parents. So, the current standards of care of WPATH say that practitioners should challenge parents that are hesitant,” said Grossman. “Parents are losing their kids because of organizations like WPATH.”
Grossman wants young people who are suffering from gender dysphoria to know that the type of “care” WPATH advocates is a medically dangerous road; they will not necessarily feel better in the long run, and that there are other options like mental health counseling.
“The current standards of care say that the mental health issues that a person may have or a child may have when they present and want gender-affirming care, those mental health issues, they don’t necessarily need to be resolved,” she said.
Medical doctors are taught that they should follow their professional guidelines, like WPATH, and parents think that the science on gender disorders is settled—but that is far from true, said Grossman.
“What I want parents to understand is that when they go to their pediatrician’s office, it’s more likely than not that their pediatrician is still trusting that chain of information from the authorities. Parents are not getting the information that they need.”
Grossman is not the only medical professional who has issues with the prescribed protocol for treating children and adolescents with gender identity disorder, she said.
Many doctors she talks with say they want mental health checks and treatments done before any gender affirmation.
“A lot of doctors are outraged and distressed and just can’t believe it,” said Grossman, “but it seems like in order to enter the profession of medicine, or psychology, or psychiatry, or social work that you have to go with that.”

Social Contagion
With social media personalities influencing young people, the government, and the medical system encouraging transitioning and gender-affirming care, more young people—especially girls—are experiencing a rapid onset of gender dysphoria.Grossman cites a study by Brown University physician and researcher Lisa Littman, in which she surveyed over 200 parents about their children deciding whether they are transgender or non-binary. Littman found that over 82 percent were girls and in friend groups where this was a trend.
“Dr. Littman proposed that these new kids that we’re now seeing who are identifying as transgender are a result of a type of social contagion” which we also see with eating disorders and suicide, said Grossman.
“Most (86.7 percent) of the parents reported that, along with the sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, their child either had an increase in their social media/internet use, belonged to a friend group in which one or multiple friends became transgender-identified during a similar timeframe, or both,” Littman’s study states.
“They were being exposed to these ideas about transgenderism, and there are hundreds of influencers on YouTube and on other platforms that are describing their journeys, and their transition from male to female or female to male,” said Grossman.
A fact that supports the social contagion hypothesis is that, historically, most transgender people have been male, wishing to become female. But in Littman’s study, the overwhelming majority were female wanting to become male, said Grossman.

Psychiatric Guidelines Push Same Ideology
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, version 4, the transgender phenomenon was called gender identity disorder (GID) and “referred to kids and adults who have a deep sense of discomfort with their sexual bodies, [and] therefore was considered a psychiatric disorder,” said Grossman. In the DSM 5, the most recent version, that diagnosis has been changed to gender dysphoria, with no mention of mental disorders.This is very important, said Grossman, because if gender dysphoria is not a mental health issue and does not have a mental disorder code, insurance companies will not pay for therapy and that will impact how doctors handle the issue. Not only that but it is only a small group of about 15 that decide what will go in the DSM, leaving out many mental health professionals, she added.
Many who are on the DSM committee are often activists and changed gender disorder to gender dysphoria because they wished to eliminate the stigma attached to transgenderism, Grossman said. But they kept it in the DSM manual because they want patients to be able to access gender-affirming care, which is covered under this label—but not the underlying mental health issues, she added.

Advice for Parents
Grossman advises parents to learn as much as they can about this trend and to stay calm and listen to their children if this issue arises in their family. She also advises staying as neutral as possible but telling the child that it will be a process of getting all the information before jumping into anything.Parents should tell their children: “We’re going to learn as much as we can about this. And I’m going to get really educated, and we’re going to start to have conversations, and it’s not all going to happen at one conversation. It’s going to be an ongoing conversation,” said Grossman.
Parents should not assume that school staff, education officials, and doctors know everything.
“They’ve (teachers, doctors, etc.) been led to believe, for example, that puberty blockers are 100 percent reversible. The research is very, very poor, around these experimental therapies,” but the truth is that in some European countries they have banned puberty blockers because they want more data on long-term harm they cause, said Grossman.
Grossman is hopeful that reason and fundamental truth will prevail, but she is concerned about the number of children whose lives will be harmed before this happens.
“The goal of this movement is to erase the differences between male and female, to erase these fundamental truths, biological truths that are eternal ... they want to erase them. Now, I don’t have a question in my mind that in the end, they will not prevail, that the truth will prevail,” said Grossman.
“The question is how high is the body count?”