Oversight Panel Seeks to Interview Former Top UN Official on Hunter Biden’s Relationship With Chinese Energy Firm

Oversight Panel Seeks to Interview Former Top UN Official on Hunter Biden’s Relationship With Chinese Energy Firm
Hunter Biden attends a Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony honoring 17 recipients, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on July 7, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
Mark Tapscott

Investigators for the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability want to interview former U.N. General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic of Serbia as a key potential witness regarding the business dealings of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and brother James.

“Vuk Jeremic is a key witness in our investigation of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s international and domestic business schemes,” committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a Feb. 22 statement.

“Mr. Jeremic’s previous testimony regarding business relationships with officials who participated in international bribery schemes raises red flags that there may be evidence showing the Biden family and associates peddled influence and attempted to sell access, including to individuals connected to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries, this is a clear threat to national security.

“The Oversight Committee is committed to bringing transparency and accountability to the waste, fraud, and abuse that has taken place at the highest levels of government. Mr. Jeremic’s documents are crucial to this investigation.”

The announcement of the oversight panel’s desire to sit down with Jeremic for a transcribed interview comes on the same day that a spokesman for the committee said negotiations are continuing with attorneys representing Hunter and James Biden to schedule transcribed interviews with investigators.

The committee investigators are particularly interested in talking with Jeremic and obtaining documents from him concerning a hastily convened 2015 dinner with Patrick Ho, a top executive with the Chinese state-owned energy firm CEFC, that was to include Hunter Biden.

Ho was convicted in 2018 of international bribery and money laundering.

While the dinner with Ho never took place, investigators are interested in understanding why Jeremic denied having any role in introducing Biden and Ho, despite an email in which he invited Biden to the event and that Biden subsequently developed a lucrative business relationship with CEFC.

In a Feb. 21 letter to Jeremic, Comer wrote: “Evidence shows that you developed a business relationship with Hunter Biden and his associates and communicated with them about [CEFC Chairman Jianming] Ye and CEFC. During the Patrick Ho trial, you testified that CEFC paid you hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to act as ‘consultant,’ and in turn, you would ‘open doors’ by introducing CEFC employees to business and political leaders in various countries.

“Indeed, in December 2015, you attempted to introduce Chairman Ye and CEFC to Hunter Biden and his associates. Although it does not appear the meeting took place on that date, Hunter Biden would later develop a lucrative business relationship with Chairman Ye and CEFC. By 2017, Hunter Biden forged a partnership with Chairman Ye and planned to share office space with him and then former-Vice President Biden at the House of Sweden in Washington.”

The committee also seeks to confirm if the Department of Justice (DOJ) concealed Hunter Biden’s name from a Jeremic email that was introduced as evidence at Ho’s 2018 trial.

Hunter Biden’s dealings with the CEFC officials and Jeremic are key to the efforts of Comer and the oversight panel’s Republican members to follow up on a November 2022 interim report they issued regarding the president’s knowledge of his relatives’ business dealings.

“Evidence obtained by Committee on Oversight and Reform [changed to ‘Accountability’ in January 2023] Republicans shows these assurances were false. President Joe Biden has participated in his family’s global business ventures with America’s adversaries. He has misused his public positions to further his family’s financial interests,” the interim report said. “These actions have created the potential for President Biden to be susceptible to influence, blackmail, or extortion by a malign or foreign entity, including the [CCP].

“A review of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, as well as information from whistleblowers, reveals a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, national security risks, and political cover-ups. Biden family members used their connections with Joe Biden to enrich themselves through the expectation of access to Joe Biden and promises about what a future Biden Administration might do for them. There are numerous unanswered questions raised by these suspicious activities that warrant further investigation.”

A committee spokesman told The Epoch Times: “We have received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden. Oversight Committee staff will be in communication with them about Chairman Comer’s request. We are also in contact with Eric Schwerin’s attorney and expect him to start producing documents to the Oversight Committee soon.”

Schwerin was described by Comer in a Feb. 8, 2023, letter seeking a transcribed interview with him as “a close personal and professional associate” of Hunter Biden.

“Evidence shows you communicated with Hunter Biden and others regarding relevant companies, investments, and transactions. The Committee requests documents and communications related to our investigation of President Biden’s involvement in his family’s financial conduct,” Comer wrote.

Mark Tapscott is an award-winning senior Congressional correspondent for The Epoch Times. He covers Congress, national politics, and policy. Mr. Tapscott previously worked for Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Montgomery Journal, and Daily Caller News Foundation.
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