President Joe Biden entered the White House amid one of the most challenging and tumultuous circumstances in recent history. As 2021 draws to a close, an assessment of the president’s tenure to date reveals a year with a number of agenda items accomplished along with multiple crises.
Fenced Off Inauguration
Biden was inaugurated as president of the United States on Jan. 20 while being guarded by thousands of troops. The rationale was that the thousands of Americans that had disrupted the election certification at the Capitol on Jan. 6 could return. Biden is the first president to have been guarded by the military from his own people during an inauguration.Enshrining ‘Equity’
Biden has made “equity” into a “whole of government” issue, inserting the notion “throughout our federal policies and institutions.”Commonly used in progressive political parlance, equity refers to equality of outcome, rather than equal treatment, and is tied to the Marxist “critical theory,” which divides society into identity groups based on race, gender, sexual proclivities, and other factors, then dividing those groups into the categories of oppressed and oppressors. The underlying ideology assumes that if an “oppressed” group, on average, gets a worse life outcome, it’s primarily because of “systemic” discrimination by an “oppressor” group.

Everything Climate
Biden has made climate change the organizing principle of his administration. He has directed various agencies to include climate impact assessments into their processes, prioritize projects deemed climate friendly, and shun those that are deemed to be climate unfriendly.
Climate change has also dominated Biden’s foreign policy, where he’s trying to build an international commitment for reducing carbon emissions, which many scientists say are warming the planet and creating possibly more extreme weather in the future.
Relaxing Border Measures
Biden scrapped several key initiatives of President Donald Trump that were aimed at stemming illegal immigration.Most notably, Biden nixed the “remain in Mexico” policy that made asylum seekers from Central America stay in Mexico while waiting for their cases to be resolved. The policy has been credited by experts for curbing illegal border crossings and related human trafficking operations. A federal court has reinstated the policy with some caveats.
Biden also stopped the construction of border barriers. The Trump administration had built hundreds of miles of new fencing that made it more difficult for trespassers to cross into the United States, giving Border Patrol more time to apprehend them, according to border security officials.
The situation at the border has escalated to historic proportions, with about 2 million people having crossed illegally into the country in the fiscal year 2021—a 20-year high.

Biden has yet to visit the border. His administration issued a rule in August to allow immigration officers, rather than immigration judges, to decide the asylum cases of illegal immigrants. This process is already in place for asylum seekers who enter the country legally.
Biden also wants to send more money to the countries where the largest amount of illegal border crossers originate.
Shortly after taking office, Biden discarded several of Trump’s executive orders aimed to reduce federal regulation.
Vaccine Rollout
Upon assuming office, Biden complained that the previous administration had left him with no plan for vaccine distribution, which Trump and his Cabinet members have denied.
American Rescue Plan
One of the first major pieces of legislation Biden managed to have approved by Congress was the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus relief package known as the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It served to fulfill Biden’s campaign promise of directly sending Americans another round of checks or direct deposits in COVID-19 relief money.Yet some Biden voters criticized it for only sending $1,400 per individual, while Biden had promised $2,000. Biden said he actually meant $1,400 because $600 had already been included in the previous package, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which was approved by Congress in December 2020.

Afghanistan Withdrawal
In August, Biden carried out a plan initiated by his predecessor to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan—where the United States had spent two decades—just in time for the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.However, the way in which the Biden administration conducted the withdrawal was panned as a disaster by both Democrats and Republicans.
In a move that was baffling to experts, the withdrawal started in June, with the U.S. military abandoning the strategic Bagram Airfield in the middle of the night without informing Afghan authorities. The base was then ransacked and looted before the Afghan forces managed to arrive. U.S. troops and officials were then evacuated from Afghanistan, even though tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment and armaments, as well as tens of thousands of civilians who wanted to leave the country, including Americans, were still on the ground.

The military then returned to mount an evacuation mission, airlifting more than 100,000 people in just two weeks. But the damage had been done. People desperately clinging to planes taking off will likely remain as one of the defining images of the Biden administration.
Despite the administration’s reassurances to the contrary, the Taliban took over Afghanistan in a matter of days, showing the weakness of the Afghan government and its 300,000-strong security force that the United States spent years helping to train. There are indications that the ISIS-K terrorist group has been expanding its presence in Afghanistan as well.
On Aug. 26, bombings at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, killed more than 170 people, including 13 U.S. soldiers who were conducting the evacuation. ISIS-K later claimed responsibility for the attack.
In November, the Taliban held a military parade showcasing captured U.S. technology, rubbing in the humiliation of U.S. military leadership.
Vaccine Mandates
Despite the administration initially promising that there would be no CCP virus vaccine mandates, Biden announced in August that all companies with more than 100 employees must have their staff vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP virus. Some experts have pointed to the shaky legal standing of the measure, which was subsequently put on hold by a federal judge while the numerous legal challenges to it are being addressed in the courts.
The U.S. economy under Biden is currently suffering from its steepest case of inflation in more than 30 years—more than 6 percent for the 12 months that ended in October. On Nov. 30, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress that he expects inflation to remain elevated well into 2022.On paper, the economy looks rather strong. Unemployment dropped to 4.2 percent in November and household income has exceeded its pre-pandemic maximum, as Biden recently noted.

Some experts had predicted that inflation would be the result of the enormous government COVID-19 stimulus measures, as well as the extremely accommodative monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. On one side, Biden can’t be blamed for excessive money printing, as Congress would have likely approved the relief packages regardless of who was in the White House. On the other hand, Biden is taking steps that are likely exacerbating the problem.
Biden’s decision to nix the Keystone Pipeline and begin the process of “decarbonizing” the economy has stunted enthusiasm for investment in the domestic oil sector, making U.S. oilers less flexible to respond to rising demand after it rebounded from the pandemic recession in 2020.
Also, Biden’s plan is to pile on yet more government regulations and taxes, the cost of which would likely at least partially be passed on to consumers.
In recent months, Americans have been increasingly complaining about shortages of various items. The most obvious cause of these shortages is the gridlock at U.S. ports that are handling import shipments from overseas. Biden helped negotiate for the severely backlogged Port of Los Angeles to become a 24/7 operation, but that only helps with one piece of the supply chain. Other parts of the problem include shortages of licensed truckers to pick up freight at ports and warehouse workers willing to take night shifts, as well as the shortage of truck chassis capable of carrying a shipping container.
Build Back Better Act
Biden’s signature legislation proposal, the Build Back Better Act, would have been the most expensive spending package in U.S. history, bearing a price tag of $3.5 trillion.The legislation included everything from infrastructure investments to welfare expansion, carveouts for select identity groups, and subsidies for projects to reduce carbon emissions. It would have raised taxes on the rich as well as, indirectly, on the middle class.
The plan capsized in Congress, as key Democrats who saw it as too expensive joined with Republicans who were united against it. Some experts say the plan would have led to gigantic misspending, corruption, inflation, and ultimately lower living standard for Americans.
Biden has so far been able to push through a smaller package focused on infrastructure. Aside from investment in roads, bridges, airports, waterways, and the electrical grid, it also included billions of dollars for public transportation, broadband internet, electric vehicle charging stations, and electric buses.

Biden is now working with Congress to get a slimmed-down version of the Build Back Better Act approved. On paper, the new version would cost $2.4 trillion, offset by $2.2 trillion in new taxes, largely on U.S. companies.
Nearly 400,000 Americans have died with some involvement of a COVID-19 infection in 2021, compared to roughly 385,000 deaths in 2020, according to CDC data. Deaths have declined in recent weeks, but it remains to be seen how the virus will behave during the winter season.Thus far, Biden’s campaign promise to defeat the virus has gone unfulfilled. In recent remarks, he indicated that it’s not possible to move past the pandemic unless it ends globally.

“In order to beat COVID, we have to shut it down worldwide,” he said.
“In the United States of America, we’re doing everything that needs to be done to take care of the American people within our borders. But look what’s happened. You know, we were starting to make some real progress, and then you find out there’s another strain.”