FBI Is a ‘Politicized Arm of the Federal Government’: Sebastian Gorka

FBI Is a ‘Politicized Arm of the Federal Government’: Sebastian Gorka
Sebastian Gorka speaks at the Turning Point USA Teen Student Action Summit in Washington, DC, on July 25, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
Paul Greaney

The FBI has been politicized by the federal government to go after conservatives, according to former deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka.

“This is now a politicized arm of the federal government, that is using police tactics to intimidate people who have committed no crime,” Gorka said in an interview with The Epoch Times’ sister media NTD, referring to the raid on Trump’s residence in Florida.

The interview was conducted by NTD for its special documentary “Raid on America,“ which premiered on Aug. 24.

Gorka said the federal agencies flipped their narratives in a bid to justify their move against Trump, by first claiming that the raid was about the national archives and Presidential Records Act.

“Then when that didn’t hold water. They said, it’s about nuclear weapons,” he said. “The narrative flipped again within 24 hours, and it became the Espionage Act, as if President Trump is colluding with North Korea,” he added.

However, Gorka stressed that “every president in the United States maintains the top security clearance even after they leave the White House.”

“So the idea that a former president somehow loses his ability to read classified materials is absurd. A former president even receives regular intelligence briefings should he so wish to,” he said.

Thus, Gorka opined, “This is about two things and two things only: preventing President Trump from running in 2024 and intimidating the 74 million Americans who voted for him.”

“Donald Trump, as a human being ... as a man who is now a politician, is not owned by anybody: not big pharma, not oil, not the unions. Nobody owns him,“ Gorka said. “As a result, he is lethal to the vested interests … left and right … That’s why he must be destroyed by the Democrats, by the Biden administration.”

To prove this point, Gorka quoted what an FBI agent told him when he was serving under the Trump administration, “This FBI, the seventh floor, the leadership, looks at the White House under Trump as the enemy.”

“That’s when I realized the deep state isn’t some crank fringe concept. The deep state is real. People who have never been elected in their lives deem themselves to be the authorities and think they have the power to undermine and sabotage a man elected by 64 million Americans,” Gorka said.

‘Never Censor Yourself’

In Gorka’s opinion, an unequal application of the law will leave the country resentful.

“When you feel as if whatever you do, however righteously you live your life doesn’t matter, because the next day one of the new 87,000 IRS agents could … arrive on your doorstep and simply harass you because you registered a foundation that has the word ‘patriot’ or ‘America first’ in it, that is very dangerous for the health of Republic,” he said.

“If not thousands, but millions of people feel that the most powerful elements of their society can target them capriciously at will, that can lead to very, very dangerous things,” he added.

The former official called on Americans to stand up for the truth. “Never, never, never censor yourself,“ he said. ”One man telling the truth can lead to the collapse of a dictatorial regime.”

“If you are not prepared to put your face and your name to your values, you do not represent those values,” Gorka said.

“If you believe in the republic and democracy and equality before the law, that’s what you should stand for.”

The Epoch Times reached out to the FBI for comment.

Hannah Ng is a reporter covering U.S. and China news. She holds a master's degree in international and development economics from the University of Applied Science Berlin.
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