FBI Arrest Former Marine ‘Planning Christmas Terror Attack’

FBI Arrest Former Marine ‘Planning Christmas Terror Attack’

A former marine turned radical Islamist was allegedly planning to conduct a suicide terror attack in San Francisco during Christmas.

FBI officials allege that Everitt Aaron Jameson, 26, was planning to commit the terror attack targeting Pier 39 on Dec. 25. The FBI arrested Jameson on Friday and charged him with one count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

An FBI affidavit filed in a federal court said that Jameson’s social media use showed he held radical jihadist beliefs, that he was supportive of terrorism and and that he offered to supply his services to the “cause.”

According to the affidavit, “Jameson also voiced his support for the Oct. 13, 2017 terror attack in New York City during which a driver used his truck to kill eight people.”

“Jameson commonly refers to people he perceives to be enemies of radical Islam as ‘kuffar,’ a derogatory Islamic term for unbelievers, and specifically told an FBI Confidential Human Source that he ‘begged to join the cause against the darul kuffar.’ Darul (or Dar al variant Dar ul) signifies the land of disbelief and commonly used by radical Islamists as a label for the United States and western nations,” it stated.

Through social media, Jameson allegedly said he was ready to join the cause against the darul kuffar and that his not being Arabic would help him blend in so as to “shock and awe.” He also offered his services as a tow truck driver for the cause against the “darul kuffar.”

In a conversation with the FBI source two days after the Oct. 31 terror attack, Jameson allegedly said he was pleased by what had occurred.

“I’m glad we Muslims are finally hitting back! Allahu Akbar! The Kuffar deserve everything and more for the lives they have taken,” he was reported to have said.

According to the affidavit, FBI agents posing as overseas Jihadists asked Jameson to assist them. Jameson replied he would do anything and told the fake jihadist that he was trained in combat.

Jameson was a trained Marine who was discharged in 2009 for not disclosing a history of asthma.

The affidavit said that Jameson met with an undercover FBI agent who said his boss was Abu Bake al-Baghdai – the leader of ISIS. During the meeting, Jameson allegedly said he would be willing do anything for the cause.

Jameson said he would provide money to ISIS and also that he was willing to travel to Syria.

The affidavit then said that Jameson suggested carrying out a terror attack like that of Oct. 31 in New York City when ISIS-inspired driver Sayfullo Saipov ran down pedestrians on a bike path with a rental truck, killing eight. Jameson also reference the 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino that killed 14.

According to the affidavit, Jameson wanted to conduct a terrorist attack that combined elements of both those attacks – the use of a vehicle and the use of firearms.

Jameson then told the undercover FBI agent that Pier 39 in San Francisco would be a good target location, saying that he knew the popular tourist area and that is was often busy with people. He allegedly described a plan using explosives which would “funnel” people to a location where he could then inflict casualties.

Jameson gave dates when he could carry out the attack, with a focus on Christmas and said he did not need an escape plan as he was prepared to die. He asked to be provided with weapons, including an assault rifle and materials needed to make explosive devices.

The undercover FBI agent told Jameson not to proceed with his plan until he was given a green light from ISIS leadership.

The affidavit also detailed how Jamison planned the attack on the pier and how he volunteered to assist in sourcing a storage facility.

After a bungled phone call from an FBI agent, it appeared that Jameson may have become suspicious that he was under investigation. On Dec. 18, Jameson told a second undercover agent that had reconsidered.

“I don’t think I can do this after all,” he was alleged as saying.

Two days later, the FBI – armed with a search warrant – raided his home in Modesto, California, where they found a martyrdom letter, weapons and materials that could be used in the building of an explosive device.

The FBI said during their search of Jameson’s residence, he admitted that he supported ISIS and that he would be happy if an attack was carried out.

Jameson has denied the allegations and his father says the FBI have got their facts wrong.

“He wouldn’t do that to innocent people,” the father told the Merced Sun-Star. “He’s a loving, kind person that would never hurt nobody.”

Jameson faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

From NTD.tv