Critical race theory (CRT) is a “perverted ideology” that is akin to child abuse, suggested Sam Sorbo, a Hollywood actress.
A number of GOP-led states have barred schools from using curriculums based on critical race theory or The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which critics have denounced as ahistorical and inaccurate.
An outgrowth of Marxism, CRT interprets society through a Marxist dichotomy between “oppressor” and “oppressed,” but replaces the class categories with racial groups. Proponents of CRT see deeply embedded racism in all aspects of U.S. society, including in neutral systems such as constitutional law and standardized tests, and deem it to be the root cause of “racial inequity,” or different outcomes for different races.
“It’s a perverted ideology that teaches children that they’re victims, and even teaches the oppressors, who are now the victims of the color of their skin, which is what CRT is, right?” said Sorbo.
“You’re the victim of the color of your skin. You’re the victim of your libido, the whole sex education that’s in our schools is basically human trafficking. It’s grooming children to be trafficked. You’re a victim of your libido. You’re a victim of your emotions, you have no control over your emotions. And so for me, the education system now looks like child abuse,” she said.

Sorbo, a mother of three, describes herself as a passionate advocate for parental autonomy and home education.
“The problem is it [CRT] goes further to say that everything that we are enjoying now is due to whiteness, all progress is due to whiteness, therefore, we have to basically give up all progress,” Sorbo continued. “Well turn in your iPhones, turn off the lights, shut down your cars. Obviously I disagree with that. But that’s their ideology.”
Speaking separately to NTD’s “Capitol Report,” Josh Mandel, a former Marine and a leading contender for the GOP nomination in Ohio, described CRT as “horrific.”
“It’s a huge issue. I mean, let me tell you this story. My buddy Mike, he has an 8-year-old daughter. So their third-graders at his daughter’s school, they split the kids into what they called affinity groups—the black kids, the white kids, the Hispanic kids, the Asian kids. And the name of the affinity group for the white kids was ‘bystanders and oppressors.’ They’re calling 8-year-old girls with bows in their hair oppressors,” said Mandel.
Mandel, 44, accused schools across the United States of “stomping on the grave of Martin Luther King.”
“Because Martin Luther King preached, let’s judge people based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. And the radical left with critical race theory, The New York Times’ 1619 Project and all this racial garbage, they’re trying to make everything about race. And they’re completely perverting and flipping upside down what Martin Luther King preached,” he added.
A handful of states have successfully enacted laws to combat CRT, including Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and South Carolina. Most of these anti-CRT laws do not explicitly mention the words “critical race theory,” but instead target specific concepts and beliefs that are derived from the ideology.