Bobcat Stuck in Grill Miraculously Survives 50-mile Trip

Bobcat Stuck in Grill Miraculously Survives 50-mile Trip
A rescued bobcat waits to be fed at The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado on Oct. 20, 2011. (John Moore/Getty Images)
Janita Kan

A Virginia woman who was driving to work was shocked to find a bobcat lodged in the grill of her car onThanksgiving morning.

Richmond Animal Care and Control (RACC) Director Christie Peters said the woman knew she had hit something in Gloucester County, but it was not until 50 miles later when she parked her Prius in Richmond did she make the discovery, according to CBS.

The animal care and control agency was called in to sedate the animal and return him to the wild.

Peters said she received a text from her colleague RACC Officer Barbara Jones informing her about the bobcat and asking for advice.

“Officer Jones sent me a text message at 8:06. And the text was, ‘I’m on a call with a bobcat stuck in the grill of a car – and he’s still alive,” Peters told CBS.

“We’ve never done anything like this,” she said. “I didn’t want to make anybody else get out of bed on Thanksgiving morning, so I went with my dad.”

After sedating the medium size cat, they discovered that “the only thing holding him up was a wire to his underbelly and one plastic piece under his ribcage.”

Despite the hour-long journey, Peters said after examination the bobcat had only suffered a cut on his back.

“[H]e was completely fine,” the animal rescue expert said. “It’s insane.”

The bobcat was transported to the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro and will eventually be released back into the wild near the crossroads where he was hit in Gloucester.

According to Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, bobcats are usually found in heavily forested, mountainous or rugged terrain, but they can also live near wooded districts near farms and human habitation.

“We just don’t ever get a chance to be so close to such beautiful, wild creatures and it was just wonderful to know that he made it through such a weird, crazy situation,” Peters told the news station.

“It’s perfect that it was Thanksgiving … because it was just a miracle and we’re so grateful that it ended the way that it did,” she added.


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